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Can internet usage help you overcome shyness and social anxiety?

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Some people may blame the internet for the increasing social isolation that people suffer from nowadays. Some studies even suggest that the internet has created a world where people get more and more introverted, while they are more sociable online. This online sociability has been coined the term "electronic extroversion".  If you are reading this article, you probably use the internet for many purposes: information, entertainment, and advice among others. Did you know you can use the internet to help you overcome your shyness and social anxiety?

Shyness does not prevent internet communication because being safe and comfortable in your own home does not trigger a social anxiety reaction. When communicating online and having an internet "conversation", chat or otherwise, you get positive reinforcement about your ideas, opinions, and value systems. You feel that you are "OK" as transactional analysists say. You meet people who are like-minded which helps your self-esteem, and may increase your feeling of belonging. As you gain confidence and express yourself more, you can make virtual friends that act as great support systems for you in times of trouble. You can also include your online friends in your shyness attack plan. There are various modes of face-to-face or real time internet communication. You can have a video conversation with your chosen friends, or even talk to them on the phone.  You are more likely not to suffer from social anxiety around these people since you will "know" them through your exchanged messages and/or forums discussions for instance.  A few of these virtual-turned-into-real-friend experiences and you will gain more confidence in your everyday life and thus combat shyness and social anxiety.

Also, "Socializing" on the internet can help you gain some of the valuable interpersonal skills that are needed to eliminate shyness and social anxiety in face-to-face interactions.  For instance, you might learn important "how to handle rejection techniques". Or, you may gain more experience in how to be empathetic and supportive for a person in trouble.

Through the internet you can learn of local events suited to your cultural tastes and needs through local forum postings for example. This will give you an opportunity to venture out into the world, in a niche you may be more comfortable and relaxed in.

In general, internet might help you be happier and overcome your social anxiety through increasing confidence and enhancing your understanding of human nature and social interactions.

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