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Heart care through diet

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The instances of heart diseases are rampant today, owing to our sedentary lifestyle and eating habits. Preventing the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases by making a few changes in the diet and lifestyle will save us from facing grave consequences. Apart from indulging in rigorous exercise regimes or sporting activities, heart care is possible through a diet that includes nutritious food and excludes high fat foods, simultaneously.

Diet for heart care

- Grains: Intake of low-fat breads made of whole grains and cereals high in Vitamin B and fiber will reduce cholesterol levels in the body.

- Fruits and vegetables: Increased servings of fruits and vegetables in diet that is low in calories, sodium, cholesterol and fat will increase the levels of good cholesterol or HDL.

- Protein food: Eat healthy protein like lean meat, seafood, lentils, nuts, eggs that are rich sources of protein.

- Omega 3 fatty acids: Increase intake of salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardine, walnuts, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds and green leaves in diet that are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids which reduce lipid levels in blood, blood pressure and blood viscosity.

- GLA: Gamma Linoleic Acid or GLA is found in spirulina and primrose oil which is essential for healthy arteries. It also controls pressure levels.

- Honey: It can stop fat from being accumulated in the cardiovascular system.

Diet to be avoided for heart care

- Avoid baked foods like croissants, butter rolls and cheese crackers that are loaded with bad cholesterol since, they can cause heart diseases.

- Limit intake of white bread, roasted food items, deep fried foods like French fries and chips, high fat baked products and solid margarines since, all these items have trans fats which increase the levels of LDL or bad cholesterol.

- Reduce consumption of salt and meat products in diet.


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