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Weight Loss Motivation Tips to Stir Your Enthusiasm for Exercising

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Less efforts for better results
The most popular and effective activity in relation to losing weight and burning fat is running.
Indeed it is on of the most efficient forms of cardio exercises, but there is one big misconception about it: to lose more weight you need to run more miles.
Well this is correct but only to a point.
The longer your mileage, the more efficient your body will become and the fewer calories it will spend.
Also the longer you execute similar activity, the faster your body will get used to it, and the less efforts (calories burned) it will take to perform it.
This can be beaten in very smart way.
You may have heard about interval training - a sequence of short periods of time of intensive exercise, followed by longer periods of exercising at low intensity in order to recover for the next burst of energy.
If you implement this technique into your running routine, you will get more effective results in less time.
Interval training can be implemented in your aerobic or weight-lifting workout too, and it does provide results, because these types of exercises are more concentrated, more intensive and do not allow the body to get accustomed to what you are doing.
Your muscles will be repeatedly under stress, and will be constantly developing.
When it comes to other exercises and weight lifting routines it is not the quantity, but the quality you have to seek.
Many people spend countless hours of doing hundreds of crunches and sit-ups and still not gaining the desired results.
They think the more crunches they do, the better will their abs be developed.
This is not the right way to go and this is the reason, why they do not succeed.
The solution is to perform little number (3 or 4) of sets of about 12 to 20 max repetitions, but those you should execute the right way.
Try to perform your abs exercises with self resistance, control and concentration on the specific muscle you are training.
Remember to squeeze and contract your muscles in the top part of the exercise and then slowly with resistance go back to the starting point.
You will find it difficult to continue even after the third or fourth repetition.
By doing so you will increase the effectiveness of your workout and decrease the time duration many times over.
Train the whole body - the next level after weight loss
If you think losing weight is very hard, let me show you how far you are from the truth.
Weight loss is only the beginning.
Weight loss by itself is not the "big deal".
Just ask yourself: what's the point of dropping some pounds and reducing your jean size, if your muscles are weak and you don't possess power and energy? Will you be satisfied if you look great in your clothes, but without them - not cool at all.
Losing weight is only the first step in the bigger picture.
It will harden your will and teach you how to overcome all obstacles standing in your way to achieve your goals.
Then and only then you will be ready for the next step - training your body to get stronger, faster and healthier.
The best approach here is to equally and adequately train every muscle group in order to achieve well-shaped and symmetrically developed body.
Just keep in mind that strong back is essential to get good posture, but in fact this is a state of counteraction between the two antagonistic pectoral and back muscle groups.
Biceps and back determine your "pulling" power, while triceps, shoulders and pectorals determine the "pushing" power.
And never forget to train your legs - if there is a muscle group that is more important than others - those would be your legs.
Their development determines your speed, endurance and also reflect your total body posture.
Week legs or pain in the legs often results in headaches and an overall feeling of discomfort, while powerful legs can make you feel like walking on clouds - it is a wonderful feeling! 3.
Big, but slow or lean, but fast
Famous bodybuilders with big, enormous muscles, are very impressive for the eye, but ask yourself: do you really want to look like them? First of all, bodies like those are achieved by years of hard training routines, extremely strict diets and with the help of plenty of supplements some of which are very health risky and even forbidden for consumption.
But still lots of men ignore these facts and try to do whatever they can to gain big arms and massive backs, without thinking for the consequences in the long-term.
My advice: if you are not a professional athlete, who takes part in many bodybuilding competitions, you do not need to fanatically develop and define your muscles.
What is more training with heavy weights will make you big but slower, and which is better: big, but slow or lean but fast? Also many statistics have shown that girls like more lean, athletic and chiseled bodies, rather than broad enormous-muscled bodies.
For more information check out the complete list of Weight Loss Motivation Tips!

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