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Kill a Cold at First Sneeze

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You know you are getting a cold when you start to feel a tickle in the back of your throat.
Before you know it the cold is full blown and you have a fever, aches, chills, sore throat, and runny nose.
If you act fast you may be able to stop the cold before you are so sick that you have to miss work and end up stuck in bed.
As soon as you begin to feel the cold coming on you should act quickly to treat and prevent the cold from becoming worse.
Boost your immune system by taking plenty of vitamin C.
Although it is not a cure for the common cold vitamin C acts as an anti-oxidant which helps to remove harmful molecules called free radicals.
You should also drink plenty of fluids to keep your body hydrated.
Drink lots of water and fluids that promote and support immunity such as an herbal tea.
Drinking certain types of tea such as oolong tea has been shown to help increase the production of immunity proteins that help to coat lung cells and protect from germs.
One drink to avoid is coffee because the caffeine depletes your body of vitamins and minerals and also causes you to become dehydrated.
Another way to kill a cold before it starts is to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables.
As with vitamin C, many fruits and vegetables contain anti-oxidants that protect and fight off bacteria and germs.
Raw fruits and vegetables also contain many essential minerals, fibers, and enzymes that help to prevent damage from toxins that are in your environment.
Broccoli, berries, and kale are great sources of nutrients that help boost your immune system.
Although this may seem counter intuitive, spending time outdoors can also help fight off a cold before it starts.
While you are indoors you are inhaling other people's germs and also filtered air.
You want to avoid people spreading their germs to you when you are in the beginning stages of a cold.
Also, getting outdoors and increasing your activity can release endorphins that are known to make you mentally feel better which decreases stress and tension.
Increase your protein intake at the beginning stages of a cold.
Protein helps build a healthy immune system.
The higher your protein intake the healthier your immune system will be to ward off bacteria, germs, and nasty viruses.
Also, diets that contain low amounts of protein usually contain large amounts of carbs which convert to glucose.
When the blood sugar is high it places stress on the pancreas and weakens the immune system.
Getting plenty of rest can also kill a cold before it really begins.
If your body does not get the proper amount of rest this can also weaken your immune system and cause your hormones to be out of balance.
Sleep is vital to keeping your body healthy.
Finally, the most important thing you can do to stop a cold dead in its tracks is to nurture yourself.
Allow yourself time to indulge in a hot bath or massage.
A sore throat or cold are warning signs because our bodies respond to our emotions and manifest themselves in ways such as a cold.
When you are feeling good about yourself you are less likely to get sick.

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