Hair Loss Women Cause: the Enemy
'Female baldness,' is one of the most traumatic experiences a woman could endure in her life. Female hair loss draws a lot more attention and to see one's hair fall out in clumps and be able to do nothing about it is heartbreaking. Nevertheless, hair loss affects millions of women everyday.
What Could be Happening
Persistent hair fall can be a symptom of wide variety of underlying health problems. Hair loss in women is different the difference is that women tend to experience thinning that occurs in no particular pattern or region of the scalp. The scalp may not be totally void of hair but it can be so thin that the scalp is visible.
Women can experience patch baldness for the same reasons as men apart from hormonal changes due to pregnancy or menopause. Again, if the hair loss exceeds hundred per day it's advisable to be extra cautious.
The main hair loss women causes can be due to the following reasons:
Skin disorders and diseases.
Nutritional deficiencies or side effects of certain medications.
Surgeries, severe illnesses and rapid weight change.
Emotional and physical stress.
Hormonal changes are a common cause of female hair loss.
Child birth may result in sudden hair loss in women - although hair may not fall out till three months later.
Discontinuation of birth control pills.
Menopause results in thinning hair in older women.
Hairstyles that pull on the hair, like ponytails braids or tight hair rollers when pulled constantly, the force causes loss of hair.
Shampooing, combing and brushing too often can cause it to break.
There's tremendous pressure on women to look and feel beautiful today, perhaps more than ever before in history. Hair loss in women can easily leave them feeling despondent and dejected. These worries can easily be eliminated if precautions are taken beforehand to overcome the, 'hair loss women causes.'
What Could be Happening
Persistent hair fall can be a symptom of wide variety of underlying health problems. Hair loss in women is different the difference is that women tend to experience thinning that occurs in no particular pattern or region of the scalp. The scalp may not be totally void of hair but it can be so thin that the scalp is visible.
Women can experience patch baldness for the same reasons as men apart from hormonal changes due to pregnancy or menopause. Again, if the hair loss exceeds hundred per day it's advisable to be extra cautious.
The main hair loss women causes can be due to the following reasons:
Skin disorders and diseases.
Nutritional deficiencies or side effects of certain medications.
Surgeries, severe illnesses and rapid weight change.
Emotional and physical stress.
Hormonal changes are a common cause of female hair loss.
Child birth may result in sudden hair loss in women - although hair may not fall out till three months later.
Discontinuation of birth control pills.
Menopause results in thinning hair in older women.
Hairstyles that pull on the hair, like ponytails braids or tight hair rollers when pulled constantly, the force causes loss of hair.
Shampooing, combing and brushing too often can cause it to break.
There's tremendous pressure on women to look and feel beautiful today, perhaps more than ever before in history. Hair loss in women can easily leave them feeling despondent and dejected. These worries can easily be eliminated if precautions are taken beforehand to overcome the, 'hair loss women causes.'