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Wholistic Tips to Stop Smoking

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    Seeking Support

    • It is important to have a reliable support network as you face this challenge. Tell your friends, family and coworkers that you are quitting so that they can support and encourage you. If you have friends or contacts who have successfully quit smoking, they usually prove to be excellent resources. Ask for their assistance and insight. You may also want to enlist the help of a holistic health-care practitioner or counselor.

    Get Healthy

    • Exercise regularly, eat nutritiously and reduce your stress. Any holistic approach must involve the mind, body and spirit to bring about lasting change. Exercise is a great way to curb cravings. When you feel the need for a cigarette, get up and take a brisk walk around the block or involve yourself in another physical task.

    Hypnosis and Meditation

    • Reasons for smoking are often linked to stress and other negative feelings. To beat the cravings forever, it may be necessary to address underlying issues. Mental and emotional support provided through hypnotherapy or meditation can help you replace the negative behavior and its associated triggers with positive thoughts and behaviors. Try an affirmation such as "I am happier and healthier smoke free" and repeat it to yourself several times daily or as needed.

    Oral Fixation

    • Some smokers have a hard time figuring out what to do with their hands or mouths as they quit smoking. It can be helpful to replace your smoking habit with something like gum, a toothpick, carrot sticks, a rubber band on your wrist or a pebble in your pocket to fidget with. Get creative and find something that works for you.

    Don't Be Too Hard on Yourself

    • You will have some setbacks. Expect them and forgive yourself. When you slip up, ask your friends and family to reaffirm their support and also recommit yourself to your goal. A setback is not failure if you don't let it stop you. Also give yourself rewards along the way for doing well so that you have something to look forward to and take pride in your accomplishments.

    Traditional Methods

    • You can use these holistic tips to support traditional smoking-cessation techniques, which include tapering off and nicotine patches and gums. Making holistic techniques part of your regimen will boost the likelihood of any method being successful.


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