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High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) - Bad Ingredient in Sport Drink

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High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is a common ingredient in most sports drinks and other beverages.
It is made by converting the glucose in cornstarch into fructose.
The resulting products are a combination of glucose and fructose, namely HFCS 55, HFCS 42 and HFCS 90.
HFCS 55 which mostly used in sport drinks and other beverages is made of about 55% fructose and 42% glucose while HFCS 42 which is used in many baked goods to extend its shelf life, is about 42% fructose and 53% glucose.
HFCS 90 on the other hand, is about 90% fructose and 10% glucose and is mostly combined with HFCS 42 to produce HFCS 55.
Since it extends shelf life, it is the most common preservative found in most processed food and beverages including sport and energy drinks and it replaced sucrose (table sugar) as sweetener because it is cheaper.
Now, why is it a bad ingredient? Early studies have shown that there is a relationship between increased consumption of sweetened drinks which is high in HFCS and obesity.
Continual consumption of food and beverages that contains high levels of HFCS can potentially promote obesity which in turn promotes type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease and high blood pressure.
Now, there are studies that disagrees with these early findings especially those supported by the beverage industry but there is good reason to be cautious and avoid regular consumption of products containing a lot of HFCS.
For athletes and highly active individuals, there seems to be no avoiding the consumption of sports and energy drinks.
Unless you are satisfied with pure water, you will eventually end up swigging sport drinks of some sort.
Now, not all sport drinks are created equal, there are those that are high in HFCS (usually around 32 grams on average) and low on nutritional value and for the reasons stated above, it stands to avoid those that belong to this category.
So do you have a choice? Of course you do.
There is one product that stands out in the crowd of sport drinks that has everything your body needs and none that it doesn't and that is H2O Overdrive.
For your hydration needs I would highly recommend H2O Overdrive.
It is not an energy drink, it is a hydration drink and it contains only 3 grams of sugar in it.
It comes with high nutritional value because it is packed with protein, carbohydrates, electrolytes and multivitamins.
It replenishes body fluids faster than water and most sport drinks because it penetrates inside the cells.
While water most sport drinks only provide extracellular hydration, H2O Overdrive provides intracellular hydration.
Talk about quenching your deepest thirst? This is the drink for you.
For more information about H2O Overdrive, visit their website at: http://overdriveoffice.

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