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Vitamin B Complex: Where Can You Get Them?

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Vitamin B complex is a group of chemically distinct vitamins that often coexist in the same foods. This group of vitamins is very essential to a person's body. They help normalize digestion and a person's metabolism. These vitamins are also able to help convert cholesterol into glucose, and then in the conversion of glucose into energy.

B vitamins are also able to help promote normal functions of the nervous system by assisting the body in producing hormones and substances that regulate the nerves. These vitamins are also important for the growth of healthy skin, hair and nails.

Now, to get adequate amounts of vitamin B complex, most people would rather take supplements. And, efficient as they are, B vitamins supplements are not ideal, especially for those who are in a tight budget. So, for those who don't have enough money to buy supplements, it is fortunate for you that there are many natural sources of these vitamins.

Among the many sources of B vitamins include lettuce, mushrooms, okra, chard, turnips, potatoes, broccoli and asparagus. Yeasts such as brewer's yeast, nutritional yeasts and baker's yeasts are also among the many good sources of vitamin B complex. You may also get enough amounts of these essential vitamins from sunflower seeds, beans and peas.

Aside from these, studies also revealed that fruits like avocadoes, tomatoes and bananas contain enough amounts of B vitamins. But among the most abundant in these vitamins are fishes like lake trout, salmon and mackerel.

In other studies, researchers were also able to find substantial amounts of vitamin B complex in chicken and beef. And these vitamins are especially abundant in organs like liver, kidney and heart. But these are not the only good sources of B vitamins; you can also get them from cheese, eggs, yogurt and milk.

Now, when you take these vitamins, you need to make sure that your body can absorbs them. To do so, you need to exercise or practice meditation exercises and practices or other relaxation techniques. If you want to learn more about deep guided meditation, you can visit or

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