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How To Enter Baby Photo Contests

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As parents we often think our baby is easily the cutest baby we've ever seen. If your family and friends start making comments on your son's big blue eyes and precious little smile perhaps it might be a time to consider entering your baby in a photo contest!

Entering a baby photo contest can be fun and much less competitive than contests for older children or toddlers. They may often pick different themes and this makes for a more relaxed atmosphere. Some themes may concentrate on different holidays or events. You might get lucky and find a contest that includes both baby and mom together! To get going with baby modeling, you can look for a free photo contest to start with. There are quite a few sites with free contests on the web. If you do a google search for "baby photo contest" you'll find lot's to choose from. This is the most painless way to introduce your baby to modeling.

Some contests offer cash prizes which is a good reason to submit your baby's photo. It will come in handy for the college fund! If you can have a look at other photo's submitted for similar contests. Making your photo original and unique will add to your chances of winning. If the contest is for a particular holiday or special event, then make your setting fit well to that theme. It's time to really get creative with your camera!

The photo's entered into a baby photo contest need to be ones where your baby is smiling. Baby photo contests are also places where modeling agencies will be looking for baby talent. That includes babies with a good temperament, so happy smiling baby photo's are always the best ones to submit. Participating in a contest can be a way to find out if your baby has the potential to have a modeling career!


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