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How to Make Spiral Hair Twisters

104 53
  • 1). Cut an 8 1/2-inch length of medium-gauge wire.

  • 2). File the ends of the wire to create a smooth, rounded surface.

  • 3). Place the center of the wire at the tip of a medium dowel and hold it in place.

  • 4). Grasp the section of wire beside the dowel tip using needlenose pliers. Bend the wire into a 45-degree angle and repeat with the section of wire that's situated on the other side of the dowel. The final shape will be an elongated, squared-off "U," with the arms of the "U" sitting parallel to the dowel shaft. The two arms of the "U" are connected by a flat section of wire running across the dowel tip.

  • 5). Grasp the "arms" of the "U" and twist the wire around the dowel to create a double helix-type spiral.

  • 6). Slide the spiral hair twister off the dowel.


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