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How to Get a Dead Golf Cart to Charge

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    • 1). Read the care instructions for your golf cart battery. There are several types of golf cart batteries. Charge your battery according to the manufacturer's instructions to ensure it charges fully and properly.

    • 2). Attach the proper battery charger to the dead battery in the place indicated. Most batteries show you exactly where to attach the chargers. Ensure that the positive cable is attached to the positive battery post, and the negative cable to the negative post. Plug the charger into a power source in your garage or an outlet on the outside of your home.

    • 3). Leave the battery plugged in until the charge is complete. Some batteries must be plugged in overnight; others shut off automatically when the battery is fully charged.

    • 4). Check the water level in your battery after charging it and add more, if necessary. Open the twist knob on top of the battery and fill it.


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