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How to Connect a Snowboard to Bindings

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    • 1). Unpack your bindings and determine which is the left and the right. There will be a slight curve on the inside edge, as on a regular shoe, and the buckles and straps are designed to close on the outside of your foot.

    • 2). Determine your stance on the snowboard and arrange your bindings accordingly. If you ride what is called "regular," with your left foot in front and your body facing your right, place your left binding at the front of the board. If you ride "goofy," with your right foot in front and facing the left, place the right binding at the front of the board with the toes facing your left.

    • 3). Stand on the board without bindings, place your feet over the holes that the bindings attach to, and imagine you are riding down a mountain. This will help you establish the angles at which your bindings should be set. Adjust the turnout of your toes so you are comfortable through the knee and ankle, and have a good range of motion through your torso. Look down at your feet and notice the distance they are apart and the angle at which they are pointing. The group of holes under your feet are where you will connect your bindings. The angle of your toes is about where you will angle the bindings.

    • 4). Connect your bindings to the board. Place your bindings over the cluster of screw holes approximately where you want to attach them. There will be between two and four holes in each binding. Line up the holes in the base of the binding with the holes in the board. Screw into the first hole loosely, and gently adjust the angle of the binding until the other holes line up. Tighten the screws gradually, starting with all of them loose and tightening them in turn.

    • 5). Place your boot in the binding to make sure the fit is correct. Using your adjustable wrench, loosen the bolts that hold the straps together, and slide them back and forth to tighten or loosen the fit.


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