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Treat Acne Naturally by Changing Your Diet

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Acne is one of the most common medical conditions in the world, and for some people it can seem like it is also one of the most difficult to treat.
Many acne sufferers find that the acne treatments they find in the drug store just don't give them the kind of results they are looking for, and this causes many to look for methods of treating their acne naturally.
The link between diet and acne has been hotly debated for years, and even many doctors today fail to understand that acne is strongly linked to your diet.
There are certain types of foods and food additives which are known for causing acne breakouts in many people.
If you suffer from acne, you will want to avoid these acne causing foods.
The first thing you'll want to avoid if you have acne is sugar.
Specifically you'll want to avoid processed sugar such as that found in things such as sodas and candy.
This type of processed sugar makes acne a lot worse in many people, and eliminating it from your diet can go a lot way in the fight against acne.
Even the natural sugars found in many fruits can be bad for your skin.
Another change you'll want to make to your diet if you want to eliminate acne is to stop consuming foods containing vegetable oils.
This may be very difficult, as vegetable oils are a very common cooking ingredient in our society.
Unfortunately, vegetable oils such as olive, peanut, and soybean oil contain pro-inflammatory agents which can worsen acne.
Extra virgin coconut oil can be used as a replacement.
While it's alright to consume vegetable oils occasionally, you should avoid them as much as possible if you want to clear your skin.

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