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Sports Injuries and Remedies

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Common Injury: The most common forms of sporting injury are ones involving muscle, tendons and ligaments.
You can treat a lot of these injuries yourself.
Remember though, if the injury seems serious, make sure you see a doctor immediately.
Muscle Injury First Aid: The first way to treat a non-threatening injury is to get an icepack and place it on the affected area.
After this, put on a bandage to provide support.
Finally, raise it higher than the rest of your body.
All these tips help to reduce inflammation of the tissue and prevent any swelling, promoting a quicker recovery.
Back Pain: A common problem for people training is back pain.
Lifting or uncontrolled movements whilst exercising can cause injury.
Pain can be caused by muscle tears and spasms but may also be caused by a slipped disc or Sciatica.
It is important to prevent an injury like this rather than treat it afterwards by always being mindful of posture when training, not lifting weights, which are too heavy, and not placing too much pressure on the body by over exercising.
Tendons: Tendons are a collection of fibres that connect muscles to bones.
If you suddenly stretch or overuse that part of your body in a sport, you can damage the tissue that lies around that area.
Ligaments: These are a band of tough fibres binding bones together.
Damage is caused when abnormal movement is placed on a certain area of the body.
For example, twisting the ankle can result in severe pain and is known as a Sprain.
Fibres are torn and this results in swelling of the affected area.
Serious Injury: You may have a broken bone if gentle pressure or movement causes pain and/or the limb or joint appears deformed.
In this case, avoid movement as this may cause further damage to the area.
It may be possible to splint the affected area as a splint stabilizes the damaged parts and prevents unwanted movement.
If you are unsure, see a doctor as soon as possible.
Physiotherapy: The main aim of Physiotherapy is to identify and produce the most movement in a patient through health promotion, preventive healthcare, treatment and rehabilitation.
They use different therapies such as massage, therapeutic exercise and the application of cold, heat, ultrasound and electrical stimulation.
Their aim is to get patients active in helping themselves to get better.
Osteopathy: This method allows practitioners to use their hands in diagnosing and treating illness and injury.
When examining a patient, they have a very hands-on approach that lets them examine places such as the back and other parts of the body.
They can also examine muscles and ligaments for pain and restricted movement that could be a sign of injury.

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