Depression In Pregnant Women
While depression itself can be debilitating, dealing withdepression along with stages of life where there are hormonalchanges can be even more difficult.
Depression duringpregnancy is quite common and statistics say that around 14%to 23% of women suffer from some form of depression duringpregnancy.
There are some people who attribute these symptoms of depression in women to the effect of hormones.
However, depression during pregnancy is a very real problem that many are struggling to combat and cope with.
In fact, many women do not even realize that they are suffering from depression during pregnancy because they attribute much of what they feel to changes in hormones.
It is therefore to watch out for these symptoms of depression in young women and get help if needed when these symptoms appear during pregnancy.
Identifying Depression During Pregnancy While the initial stages of symptoms of depression in women who are pregnant include anxiety, fatigue, difficulty concentrating and other general mood changes that occur during pregnancy, the following symptoms of depression in young women should be monitored if they become more frequent and severe.
Pregnant women require a great deal of more understanding as well as love and support to deal with this period in their lives.
However, if the following symptoms persist, the right medical help might be required to deal with these symptoms and get over them:
Considering this as a real problem of depression in young women who are pregnant, is essential.
It should be borne in mind that when depression is left untreated during pregnancy, there are higher chances of post-partum depression, which can be even more debilitating and complex, causing the new mother to even be unable to bond with her baby.
Therefore, seriously considering the symptoms of depression in women during pregnancy and getting the needed help at the right time is essential for a woman to go through pregnancy safely and enjoy the anticipation of bringing a new life into this world.
Depression duringpregnancy is quite common and statistics say that around 14%to 23% of women suffer from some form of depression duringpregnancy.
There are some people who attribute these symptoms of depression in women to the effect of hormones.
However, depression during pregnancy is a very real problem that many are struggling to combat and cope with.
In fact, many women do not even realize that they are suffering from depression during pregnancy because they attribute much of what they feel to changes in hormones.
It is therefore to watch out for these symptoms of depression in young women and get help if needed when these symptoms appear during pregnancy.
Identifying Depression During Pregnancy While the initial stages of symptoms of depression in women who are pregnant include anxiety, fatigue, difficulty concentrating and other general mood changes that occur during pregnancy, the following symptoms of depression in young women should be monitored if they become more frequent and severe.
Pregnant women require a great deal of more understanding as well as love and support to deal with this period in their lives.
However, if the following symptoms persist, the right medical help might be required to deal with these symptoms and get over them:
- Anxiety and irritability.
- Panic attacks.
- Insomnia or sleeping too much.
- Lack of appetite or eating too much.
- The feeling of being unable to care for oneself and for the baby that is growing inside.
- The inability to follow medical directions for self-care during pregnancy.
- The of use of drugs and alcohol to combat feelings of depression.
- Persistent sadness.
- Feelings of worthlessness.
- Thoughts of suicide.
Considering this as a real problem of depression in young women who are pregnant, is essential.
It should be borne in mind that when depression is left untreated during pregnancy, there are higher chances of post-partum depression, which can be even more debilitating and complex, causing the new mother to even be unable to bond with her baby.
Therefore, seriously considering the symptoms of depression in women during pregnancy and getting the needed help at the right time is essential for a woman to go through pregnancy safely and enjoy the anticipation of bringing a new life into this world.