How to Curl Your Hair With Foam Curlers
- 1). Shampoo, condition and towel-dry your hair.
- 2). Spray hair with hair spray or massage in hair gel for maximum curl.
- 3). Comb through your hair to release tangles and then use the end of a rat-tail comb to section off a 1-inch piece of hair. Unsnap the foam curler lock and wrap the section of hair around the curler starting at the very tip of the hair. Snap the lock in place and move to the next section of hair. To avoid curler lines, section hair off randomly, starting at the top of your head and moving to the sides and back. For tight curls, wrap the foam curlers tightly and close to the scalp. For softer more natural- looking curls, wrap the curlers loosely, using larger sections of hair.
- 4). Dry your curls using a hair dryer, blow dryer or let them dry overnight while you sleep.
- 5). Unsnap the foam curler lock and gently unroll the foam curlers from your hair one at a time. If a piece of hair snags on the curler, take the time to gently pull the snag free, so you do not damage your hair. Comb through the curls and style as desired.