Nutritious Snacks For Kids After School
Ensuring that your kid gets some nutritious snacks after school is certainly a challenge for every mom.
No matter how sunny your childs disposition is, its an important that every child who comes home from school and finds out that theres no snack waiting for him will suddenly turn cantankerous and crabby. It is every moms solemn obligation to have snacks ready and waiting by the time the school bus arrives. The tricky part is how to ensure that your childs snack is sufficient to ward off his crabby attack and provide him with sufficient energy to do his homework without ruining his dinner.
Whether she is a career woman or a stay-at-home mom, the schedule of a typical mom is hectic enough to warrant reaching for the most convenient snack on hand. But are you really doing your kids a favor by letting them consume all those junk foods and processed foods that are readily available in the supermarkets? Judging by the increasing incidence of teenage obesity, this is clearly not a good idea.
Once youve made a conscious decision to provide a healthier diet for your child, youll find out that its not really as difficult as you might expect. Your first step is to be more health conscious during your grocery shopping. Steer clear of the aisles holding those crunchy junk foods and other ready-to-serve nutritious snacks which are all processed and are high on sugar content. Stocking up on fruits and vegetables is a commendable thing to do.
Even though milk and cookies are classic nutritious snacks for kids, having them on a day-to-day basis gets old very quickly. Alternate them with cut fruits or vegetable sticks to provide variety. Be creative. Find new ways of presenting the same snacks. It will only take a few minutes of your time to cut up the fruits and vegetables into interesting shapes. The same thing is true when it comes to providing various dips for them.
Another great idea is to microwave leftovers from the last meal and serving them as your kids snack. Its healthy and its a cost-saver.
One more thing to bear in mind is that your kid is not likely to exert much effort in finding his own Nutritious Snacks since he considers this as his moms expertise. Making sure that the healthy snacks that you prepared are within easy reach is enough to induce your child to consume it.
Lastly, its important to set a good example. You cannot expect your child to eat those healthy foods if he knows that his parents are not doing the same thing. So if you are thinking of turning over a new leaf, you might as well do it for the whole family.
No matter how sunny your childs disposition is, its an important that every child who comes home from school and finds out that theres no snack waiting for him will suddenly turn cantankerous and crabby. It is every moms solemn obligation to have snacks ready and waiting by the time the school bus arrives. The tricky part is how to ensure that your childs snack is sufficient to ward off his crabby attack and provide him with sufficient energy to do his homework without ruining his dinner.
Whether she is a career woman or a stay-at-home mom, the schedule of a typical mom is hectic enough to warrant reaching for the most convenient snack on hand. But are you really doing your kids a favor by letting them consume all those junk foods and processed foods that are readily available in the supermarkets? Judging by the increasing incidence of teenage obesity, this is clearly not a good idea.
Once youve made a conscious decision to provide a healthier diet for your child, youll find out that its not really as difficult as you might expect. Your first step is to be more health conscious during your grocery shopping. Steer clear of the aisles holding those crunchy junk foods and other ready-to-serve nutritious snacks which are all processed and are high on sugar content. Stocking up on fruits and vegetables is a commendable thing to do.
Even though milk and cookies are classic nutritious snacks for kids, having them on a day-to-day basis gets old very quickly. Alternate them with cut fruits or vegetable sticks to provide variety. Be creative. Find new ways of presenting the same snacks. It will only take a few minutes of your time to cut up the fruits and vegetables into interesting shapes. The same thing is true when it comes to providing various dips for them.
Another great idea is to microwave leftovers from the last meal and serving them as your kids snack. Its healthy and its a cost-saver.
One more thing to bear in mind is that your kid is not likely to exert much effort in finding his own Nutritious Snacks since he considers this as his moms expertise. Making sure that the healthy snacks that you prepared are within easy reach is enough to induce your child to consume it.
Lastly, its important to set a good example. You cannot expect your child to eat those healthy foods if he knows that his parents are not doing the same thing. So if you are thinking of turning over a new leaf, you might as well do it for the whole family.