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The 12 Laws of Good Health

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1) Kindness.
Never underestimate the power of helping another.
When we support someone we are making our energetic point of attraction positive and loving.
Our point of attraction is what magnetizes things to us.
2) Thankfulness.
Appreciate what you have and watch it expand.
Whatever you put your attention on grows.
That's the Law of Attraction in action.
Why waste powerful energy on anything else? Invest some time expressing gratitude for the things, people and situations in your life that make you happy.
If you want more happiness, the attitude of appreciation will be your attractor factor.
3) Breathe.
Breathing serves to help us get clear.
Each breath oxygenates the brain and facilitates clarity.
Every time you focus on deep breathing, you create relaxation in the body which can open the door for new thinking to occur.
Whenever you have writers block, spend some time relaxing with your breath.
It will help bring you into balance.
4) Pause/Meditate.
Get Centered in your thoughts.
Sit quietly and allow the noise in your mind to stop so that peace and inspiration can come forth.
The pause between conversation and actions can be a helpful exercise in solving problems.
5) Laugh.
That's right, have a good hearty chuckle everyday.
If you can't find something to laugh about, go online and check Google for funny quotes.
Something will register with your funny bone and get you going.
Laughter is one of the most powerful tools for clearing negative energy.
6) Eat foods that are bright in color.
That's simple, right? Choose foods that are orange, yellow, red, purple, and green to supply your body with tons of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.
7) Say goodbye to SUGAR! If you only knew how bad sugar is for you, you'd surely banish it from your cupboard.
Cancer LOVES sugar.
It thrives on it.
Use stevia, black strap molasses or agave whenever you need a little sweetness.
8) Keep your PH @7.
Keeping the body alkaline is so important.
Go to the drugstore and buy the strips to check your level.
This information will tell you if your body is too acidic.
If your levels are high, go on an acid reducing dietary program.
9) Limit coffee.
Coffee is very high in acid.
One cup of Starbucks will produce so much acid in the body that it would take 64 ounces of water to neutralize! If you don't supplement the body will the necessary minerals to neutralize this acid, the body will instinctively go into the muscles and bones to get some.
10) Exercise.
Just do whatever you can to get your body moving.
This doesn't have to mean you have to go buy a gym membership, or hire a personal trainer.
You can walk, jump, skip, dance strut your way to exercising.
Movement is the key.
Make sure you involve your arms so you can an upper and lower body workout.
11) Love.
To be able to give and receive love is the most healing expression there is.
Hug someone.
Allow yourself to feel that connection with another person.
Touch is essential to the soul and the spirit to express and thrive.
12) Forgive.
The blocks we carry around of old wounds and pains are living in our bodies.
It's time to set them free and let go.
Do it for your health.
Find a method of forgiveness that you can participate in, and allow that healing power to fill you.
Once unburdened from the past, you will find a wealth of untapped energy and joy waiting to come forth.

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