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Is My Penis Too Small? The Answer May Surprise You!

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In this article we are going to take a look at a VERY common question being asked by men everywhere:"is my penis too small?"Now if you are reading this, AND you are a man, there is NO question you can relate to having this insecurity..
either kept hidden and tucked away in your OWN internal dialogue, or shared out loud with close friends or significant romantic others.
What I personally find SO amazing is the universal applicability of this foray into self doubt and our own masculinity as recent stories have illuminated that this anatomical insecurity is TRULY a cross cultural fear!Read on.
First Some Facts The truth is that AVERAGE penis sizes are hard to come by - and with that arises a fair amount of confusion and self doubt.
Men often turn to friends "claims" of their size to gage their own normalcy, and this of course is fraught will all KINDS of possible problems.
(exaggeration, lying, and poor measurement skills included.
An Interesting Anecdote A Canadian research team recently studied 92 men in EGYPT who claimed to be suffering from a small penis and were contemplating penile enhancement surgery.
The researchers concluded that NONE of the men had an unusually small anatomy, and were more likely to be suffering from psychological issues relating to their bodies instead.
( all of the men eventually saw a mental health counselor - and 6 months later ALL had abandoned the idea of surgery) Ideas and Originations Many men claim that size insecurity actually starts in the teenage years.
Some researchers believe that being exposed to lots of adult oriented material at a young age can have adverse effects on our own perceptions of size - as we are "exposed" to unusually LARGE men who are performing in them.
The Whole Truth? Your penis is probably not as small as you think!Normal size is about 5 inches erect and about 4 inches in a flaccid state...
but even that is somewhat subject to vacillation.
( as how many of us have ever had our penis measured..
:-)I'm a big believer in self help, all NATURAL male enhancement exercises..
and do recommend them to my readers.
But the truth is that you may be JUST fine exactly how you are!And that may be the most liberating realization you can have.

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