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Yeast Infections - Causes Aren"t That Important When You First Get It

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When people get yeast infections, causes of the infection aren't too important at first, getting rid of it is usually the first thing people are concerned with.
I've been there, the burning and itching can drive you mad.
All you can think about is getting rid of it.
Luckily there are some effective treatments available, whether it is over the counter medicine or home remedies that are cheaper and sometimes more effective.
Usually, getting rid of an infection isn't too difficult unless it is a recurring infection that just doesn't seem to go away.
A recurring infection gets better for a bit, but then it just comes back and sometimes it gets worse when the symptoms return.
A couple of the major causes of this unending cycle happens when someone with an infection doesn't finish all their medicine that has been prescribed.
Another is when sex partners both have the infection and they just keep giving back to each other.
You can get yeast infections when you are taking antibiotics that kill bacteria in your system, upsetting the balance between good and bad bacteria that is normally in your body.
You need to understand that antibiotics and the following do not cause yeast infections, they just make the body more prone to developing the infection.
Diabetes mellitus and pregnancy are know to raise the possibility yeast infections.
It is important to understand what causes these infections to help decrease your chance of getting one and to be able to take preventative measures to avoid them.

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