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Video: What is an Easy Way to Apply Eye Shadow?

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Video Transcript

I'm Sarah, Professional Makeup Artist and Licensed Aesthetician, and I'm going to show you an easy way to apply eyeshadow. The first thing is to pick colors that are easy to work with, easy to blend and that look well together. I'm going to start with this nice light color, this ivory shimmer and I'm just going to put it all over th eye area using a nice larger round tip brush all over. This will do the highlighting for us, nice and simple, but effective. Next, I'm just going to use an angled brush to apply a second color which is just lightly darker, but it's pretty attention getting and looks nice with what we just did. And I'm just going to apply this over the entire lid and up into the crease and it'll look a two in one color. That keeps it simple and quick and clean looking, but, still pretty. And that's just one way to apply eyeshadow an easy way. To check out more, you can go to

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