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Need to Lose Weight? Act Like a Skinny Person, Part 2

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Last week I discussed how living your life like a skinny persona can help you lose weight.
Most skinny people live a very different lifestyle then someone who is overweight.
So, if you would like to be skinny, makes sense to act skinny! I already talked about a few simple changes to make; drink plenty of water, don't skip breakfast, and avoiding snacking.
Here are a couple more tips on how a skinny person lives their fat free lifestyle: 1.
Never Worry About Their Body Weight.
Obviously if your skinny, you're not worried about your weight because you are in shape! It's hard to make that transition from watching the scale to not caring.
You should judge your weight by how your clothes fit and how you think and feel (great post on this concept this morning)! If you're not worried about how much you weight, you will enjoy your life a lot more.
This will help you to eat a more balanced diet and be more active.
Never Skip Meals.
Most skinny people don't skip meals because they are always to hungry to wait till the next one! In your case, you may think you need to skip meals to avoid eating.
Try a different approach, eat less at each meal and eat more times throughout the day.
This will help keep you metabolism revved up and burning off calories.
Skipping meals puts your body out of whack! 3.
Concentrate on Your Meal and Enjoy.
Most skinny people will sit down and eat their meal and that's it, unlike an overweight personal who tends to eat while they are doing something else (Active Eating).
When you actively eat your body doesn't realize it is eating.
You tend not to full up as much and find yourself hungry a little while after.
If you sit down, eat, and enjoy your meal (Conscious Eating) then you will find yourself satisfied for a longer period of time, thus helping with rule #3 Avoid Snacking! I hope these tips make sense to you and you feel this is something you can do.
I know by implementing these rules you will be able to achieve your weight loss goals.
Remember though, baby steps.
Don't make all these changes at once or you will fail.
Make a change or two every week or two.
Before you know it you will not only be living like a skinny person, but looking skinny yourself!

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