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Improve The Health Of Your Heart By Eating These 3 Foods

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Food is often the way to a healthy heart and when it comes to preventing and treating heart disease this is very true. You can increase your risk of the condition if you eat foods that are very high in fats especially saturated fats. Saturated fats can be found in many of the processed foods and dairy products that are now prevalent in the modern western diet. These types of foods increase your blood cholesterol levels putting you at greater risk.

If you want to reduce the risk then you need a healthier diet that is low in saturated fats. The following foods are good for your heart and you should consider introducing them as part of your healthy and well balanced diet.


Many people eat a lot of red meat which is high in saturated fats. A lower fat alternative is fish. Fish not only tastes delicious it is also very good for you. Eating more fish to replace red meat will lower your blood cholesterol levels. Fish are also high in the good essential fatty acid omega 3. This fatty acid has qualities that reduce the clots forming in the blood which again reduces the risk of heart disease.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is used a lot in the Mediterranean diet and it is no accident that people from the Med have lower incidences of heart disease. Olive is a mono-unsaturated fat which means it won't clog your arteries like saturated fat. This type of fat has the affect of raising HDL which is the good cholesterol in the body while at the same lowering the bad cholesterol. Olive and other sources of mono-unsaturated fats can be found in nuts, seeds, pulses and avocados to name but a few. However, like all oils they are high in calories so, go gently.

Fresh Fruit and Vegetables

These are essential to a healthy heart and body and you should be taking the recommended 5 servings a day. These natural foods that are designed specifically for the body have many health and disease preventative qualities that include lowering the risk of heart disease and stroke, lowering hypertension and high blood pressure and cancer. Fresh fruit and vegetables contain the enzymes and essential nutrients that the body needs to function and repair itself. It is the ultimate super food. Go for fresh organic as much as possible as they are free of chemical insecticides and pesticides. Eat raw as much as possible do not overcook your vegetables as this will destroy the nutrients. If you have to cook the best way is to steam. Choose what is currently in season and always have some lying around the house to encourage healthy snacking.

If You have a health condition or food allergy always consult with your doctor for advice before changing your diet.


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