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What Causes Children to Sleepwalk?

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    Partial Arousal

    • Sleepwalking is more common in preschoolers and school-age children because they have a higher percentage of SWS, in part because of the immaturity of the child's brain. As the brain matures less time is spent in SWS. As a result most children will outgrow the tendency although it may persist up to age 15. Sleepwalking is seen in only a very small percentage of adults.

    Factors effecting SWS

    • SWS is predominant in the first two hours of sleep, which is the time sleepwalking typically occurs. Anything that increases the relative percentage of SWS will make sleepwalking more likely. Certain medications or previous sleep deprivation can increase the frequency of such events in predisposed children. Illness, fever or environmental stressors such as scary movies can also increase the likelihood of sleepwalking. Identifying these stressors can help parents reduce or eliminate sleepwalking episodes.


    • Some kids are predisposed to sleepwalking because of their genetic makeup. These children typically have family members that also sleepwalked as children. Parents can often get guidance from those family members about what helped them cope with sleepwalking.


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