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Are Relaxers Bad for the Hair?

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    • Chemical relaxers come in two types: lye and no lye. No lye relaxers, while gentler to the hair and scalp, contain strong chemicals but not as strong as those found in lye relaxers, which have the most potential for damage to the hair and scalp.


    • The chemicals found in relaxers loosen the natural curl pattern. Once hair is relaxed the hair shaft loses elasticity and becomes weaker.


    • Relaxers can cause hair breakage and burn the scalp. Moisture is lost during the relaxing process, leaving the hair dry.

    Time Frame

    • To avoid damage to the hair and scalp, follow the application instructions. Leaving a relaxer on the hair longer than necessary can cause permanent damage.


    • Relaxed hair needs to be conditioned regularly because it is drier and breaks easily. To get the best results from relaxers and minimize damage to the hair, consult a hair care professional.


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