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Symptoms of Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa

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Symptoms of anorexia nervosa

They have an intense fear of gaining weight and are obsessed with it.
They lose the sense of the reality of their own body image. They are fat when they are actually skeletal.
Avoid eating, to the extent possible. Spartan dieting plan.
Disappears menstruation (amenorrhea).
They feel cold, dizziness or fainting.
They can suffer from malnutrition and physical diseases of the circulatory system, liver, kidney, abdominal pains, dental and hair problems.
Suffer large swings in mood.
In three out of ten cases, are added, moreover, the symptoms of bulimia.
The patient, in extreme cases, may die from malnutrition.

Symptoms of bulimia nervosa

They have a tremendous fear of gaining weight and are obsessed with it.
They feel impulses inevitable food binge without actually fill.
After the binge, vomit or take laxatives and diuretics to prevent weight gain.
Binge often occur after periods have followed a strict diet and in situations of anxiety, depression and stress. At first obtained a degree of satisfaction, but then I create feelings of guilt, so that vomit, etc..
They are often ashamed of their behavior, which leads them to hide.
Problems are common in the pharynx and teeth, due to the effects of constant vomiting.
In severe cases, there is a lack of minerals that can affect various organs.
They usually have wounds in the back of his hand, caused by the teeth to induce vomiting. This may be a sign that helps the doctor, family or friends to identify the case.

What are your symptoms? What can we do to prevent and treat these disorders?

In terms of prevention, let us try not to demand too much of our children. It is convenient to speak openly and inform about weight, line, beauty etc. At the first signs of concern, inquire of the doctor.

The main support that they will find those who suffer from eating disorders is their family.

To start treatment, it is necessary that the patient wants to be treated and be convinced. Patients with bulimia tend to be more enthusiastic to begin treatment, but then often back down.

In the case of anorexia nervosa, the priority is for the patient to regain their ideal weight. They plan a diet that will gradually adding calories. As the patient recovers weight will be less need for supervision. This phase will probably be performed on an inpatient basis, to control it properly.

When the patient with anorexia nervosa recovers its weight, it is desirable to establish psychotherapy. The specialist may use individual psychotherapy, the group or both, depending on patient characteristics. Through psychotherapy, seeks to inform yourself about all aspects of their illness and their adverse consequences. They seek to encourage and enhance monitoring of the prescribed diet and exercised self-control skills. Also lead to increased self-esteem. Psychotherapy can last for months, depending on the case.

It is sometimes useful to use of antidepressant medications that improve mood in patients with both anorexia and bulimia.

In the case of bulimia, may likewise be required hospitalization. Psychotherapy will be in place to break the vicious binge / vomiting. Psychotherapy goals are similar to those described for anorexia.

It is appropriate for the family, the main support of the sick, get help and information. It can be useful to go to family associations. The patient, family and friends will help you follow the diet, provide support to overcome the daily activities and, especially, should give a lot of affection.

We neglect if we observe any evidence of thought or attempted suicide.

As health care resources, is the doctor, with the family, who will guide the patient to the various assistive devices (specialized units, hospitals, day care centers, outpatient, etc..), Where different professionals fulfill their role as the time and the case. The follow-up and continuity of care are essential to prevent relapse.

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