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Stick to Your New Year"s Diet Resolution

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Dieting is the #1 New Year's resolution each year in the U.S. According to recent national studies though, most people don't even keep up their diet resolutions into February and even more quit around six months.
But these odds shouldn't deter people who need to drop a few pounds. Experts say you can keep those resolutions long term with a customized plan of healthy eating, exercise and general lifestyle changes. Changing the way you eat and exercise is really an evolution, not a resolution.

Staying motivated and positive are the most important things in losing weight. Losing weight is hard but long-term success is a completely realistic goal. Before you start your new healthy eating and exercise program, enlist friends, family and others in your community to support and encourage you. Join a gym or the YMCA and take advantage of their individual trainers. For more on staying motivated and positive read helpful healthy eating tips in health magazines like Fitness, Shape and Self.

Lack of time is the biggest excuse people make for not sticking to a new healthy eating and exercise lifestyle. Experts say 30 minutes a day is adequate for the average person to maintain a healthful weight and reap the benefits of aerobic exercise. Both Men's Health magazine and Women's Health magazine offer readers creative ways to include exercise into their busy days. Some examples are exercise at home while watching your favorite program, play with your children, buy a Nintendo Wii and park further away from office.

Set realistic goals and don't be deterred by setbacks. Set one big goal for the year and then break that goal down into smaller monthly, weekly and daily goals. Remember to learn to have as much patience with yourself as you have with others in your life. For ways to learn how to be more patient with yourself, read some encouraging advice in magazines like O, the Oprah magazine, Real Simple and Redbook.

Always eat breakfast. Avoid eating fast food by brown bagging your lunch to work or school and stock your desk with a supply of healthy snacks to avoid eating out of vending machines during the middle of the day. Lastly, Women's Health magazine recommends developing a weekly reward system for meeting your goals like rental of movies or buying a flower bouquet or a CD.

There are many health and fitness magazines that consistently offer the latest news and trends in health and fitness. Some of these magazines are Self, Shape, Prevention, Health, Men's Health, Women's Health, Fitness and Muscle & Fit. Consider subscribing to these magazines to help with your weight loss goals.

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