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What is a Paranoid Schizophrenic?

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    • According to the Mayo Clinic, paranoid schizophrenia is characterized by chronic psychosis (break from reality). The most common psychotic features are delusions and auditory hallucinations.

    Clinical Symptoms

    • Paranoid schizophrenics typically experience delusions of grandeur, persecution, exalted birth, special mission, jealousy or physical alteration. Auditory hallucinations feature voices that threaten, mock, command, whistle or hum.

    Outward Signs

    • Signs of paranoid schizophrenia observable to others include weight fluctuation, poor hygiene, aloofness, anger, verbal confrontation, indecisiveness, confusion, odd words or actions, isolation and talk of suicide.


    • According to Health Square, although the exact cause of paranoid schizophrenia is still under debate, studies suggest that a combination of genetic, environmental and neurological factors are at the root of the disorder.


    • Paranoid schizophrenia requires diligent life-long management. Commons treatments include drug therapy, psychotherapy, vocational skills training, electroconvulsive therapy and hospitalization.

    Famous Ties

    • Famous people with paranoid schizophrenia include Eugene O'Neill, Ed Gein, Tom Harrell, John Nash and Lionel Aldridge.


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