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A Water Cooler Can Solve Your Hydration Problems

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Water is an essential building block for life and a water cooler installed in your home, office or both can help you achieve and maintain your health. With the human body made up of about 60% water, it is vitally important that you drink plenty of water each day.

When You Don't Drink Enough Water

While the food you eat can provide some water content, it is much better to drink plenty of water every day. If you have ready access to a water source such as a water cooler you are more apt to consume the amounts required to stay hydrated. Are you dehydrated? If you often feel tired or achy, experience constipation, or even get headaches more often than normal, you are likely dehydrated.

Do you know how much water you need to stay healthy and keep your body in tiptop shape? Men, women and children require different amounts and if you add physical activity or a hot, humid climate to the mix, the amount of water to stay hydrated will increase. Watch for signs of adequate hydration.

Water Cooler Accessibility Can Boost Health

In addition to staying hydrated, renting a cooler and having a steady supply of bottled water delivered to you will also improve body function. For instance, plenty of water increases cognitive tasks and overall brainpower so that you can think fast. Bowel and urinary function improves by reducing incidences of kidney stones, constipation and urinary tract infections. Oral health even improves because water does not decay your teeth, unlike sugary juices and sodas.

Senior citizens and children both can especially benefit from having a water cooler o as they are the most at risk for dehydration. With children, they are so busy playing and staying active that they may not want to stop and drink if they have to take too much time getting water while seniors can be less likely to be forgetful if water is readily at hand.

As an employer, you need to provide drinking water. And ample water could reduce absenteeism and increase productivity in your workforce so install several water coolers on the premises.

As a parent or caretaker in the home, you can reduce illness and boost health of your loved ones. With ready access to a clean, fresh and tasty water supply, you and those around you can stay hydrated and healthy. Overall, there are too many good reasons why hiring a bottled water cooler supplier makes sense.

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