Techniques For Coping With Anger
- "Because I said so."
Anger management tips:
1. When you feel the emotions building up, take a time out. Researchers suggest taking at least 20 minutes. This will defuse your anger. Take deep breaths. Count to 10.
2. Do some physical activity. If you think of something that angers you, don't let it get to you. Get out and do some exercise.
3. Calm yourself when you feel stress overload. Use a favorite song, a restful mental image, or practice some yoga or meditation.
4. Use humor to release your aggression. Keep your mind off your anger with a funny joke you heard or by imagining something silly. - An entire crowd of people who have lost control.
5. Confide in someone you trust. Make sure it isn't anyone who frequently sets you off.
6. Make your anger productive. Work it off doing yard work, cleaning or gardening.
7. Write down your angry thoughts. Write a letter to the person you're angry with and don't mail it. - Brooding, repressed anger will get you in the end.
8. Respond assertively. Calmly and assertively state your thoughts and feelings without blaming. It's a more powerful response than anger.
9. Just let it go.
10. Bang your fists into a pillow.
11. Search for solutions. Don't make personal attacks. Generate as many as you can, even if some sound unrealistic. - Sometimes as adults we don't cope with anger any better than when we were a child.
12. Agree on a solution. Compromise. It's better than the problems generated by anger.
13. Do not suppress the emotions, or they will get you the next time you are angry. You will have the pent-up emotions and you will over-react to the next situation. This can lead to feelings of shame and discouragement when you think about your actions, as well as to further repression of your feelings.
Anger Management Tips: Take Time Out, Do Something Physical, Get Calm
More Anger Management Tips: Confide in Someone, Make it Productive, Write it Down
More Anger Management Tips: Be Assertive, Let It Go, Bang Fists Into Pillow, Search for Solutions
Anger Management Tips: Agree On Solution, Don't Suppress Emotions