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Some of the problems of the root canal treatment

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First step. Confirm the diagnosis, to confirm the need for root canal treatment.

The general is the first for an inquiry, to understand the patient's chief complaint and subjective symptoms, in order of their own about the direction. At the same time was more important to understand the patients eager to solve the problem. This is a patient from the strange to the familiar, the best in this process, the topic be done easily and intimacy, to establish mutual trust is essential. Immediately complained of subjective symptoms, the first purpose of inspection, to find the problem as soon as possible. Of course, the best collection to considerable X ray, intra-oral camera shooting digital pictures, in order to assist in the diagnosis. Especially for the young doctor, is a crucial moment? Because patients are most worried about is that doctors deal with for a long time, I do not know why.

The second step. Closer to home, to start honest communication with patients and friends.

Bad badly your teeth, so you say that serious tooth nerve symptoms after a problem. I'll give you a look at this model and picture of a tooth and a tooth, your tooth decay, rotten tooth nerve pain caused tooth of a certain part (pointing to the model corresponding to the position). This is a hand won a single tooth profile and tooth structure diagram, the general structure of the teeth to patients to explain. Crowns, part of our naked eye can be seen in the oral cavity, which is the root within our gums, under normal circumstances gums and alveolar bone wrapped. The teeth are divided into such layers of the structure, the outermost we often say that the enamel (called the enamel); this is the hardest structure of our human body.

Root canal treatment to Routine maintenance of dental implant address this situation, your medicine can not solve this problem, because the drug effects to the teeth inside is a drop in the bucket, minimal. To solve this problem, we need for this bad tooth root canal treatment. It now appears that this nerve of your tooth can not be retained, but outside this layer of hard tooth structure is still useful, as we cut down the tree to the wood. Before some old treatment approach, but because of its long-term effect is not good, you may re-inflammation, but is rarely used. The root canal treatment is now recognized worldwide as the most effective treatment; the success rate was above 95%. Of course, some of the teeth may not be completely resolved.

Root canal treatment, also need a root canal treatment on the basis of other processing may also be that 5%! We Clinical few years found problems or small, each year there may be then twelve cases. I hope you are not in those two cases. Really there are special circumstances, we will try to deal with your idea, and so I hope you understand, doctors are not gods, according to your teeth. Flanagan canal treatment is such a reason, the principle is very simple, inflammation of the teeth, the reason is because there exists infected material, teeth equivalent to our appendix, even worse than the appendix resistance, because the nerve once inside the teeth necrosis it is impossible to Secret implant restoration of the five steps have the blood supply to kill bacteria inside, so the presence of inflammation.

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