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Why Some Vegans Stop Being Vegan

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The choice to become a vegan is as personal, if not more so, as the experience of being vegan.
Thus, for some, the experience of being vegan is not always a positive one.
For them being a vegan simply does not feel good.
As such, despite its many benefits, veganism brings with it many challenges and if one is not up for the challenge the experience will, to say the least, be overwhelming.
Some cannot withstand the judgmental attitudes of those who do not understand what veganism is all about.
Some can't resist the food cravings for all of the foods that were forfeited during the course of the transition.
Others just have doubts about whether the initial choice was the right one for them and consequently give in to their own misgivings and insecurities.
However, regardless of the reasons, reverting back to a meat-based diet is as personal and honorable as was the decision to transition to a plant-based diet.
Doing so shows humility.
That said, its not a decision that one should feel any guilt about or for which one should feel ashamed about.
In the end, we each have to do what's right for us as individuals and what's right for us is what feels good to us.
So if a meat-based diet feels good for you than by all means go for it.
Good feelings manifest into good health so rather than focusing on guilt and insecurities focus on good feelings.
The body adheres to the will and intentions of the mind so if you feel good about your choice than your overall experience will be much of the same.
There is no one-size-fits all diet and even vegans can admit that.
What makes humanity such a beautiful species is the wide assortment of talents, preferences and opinions.
The life experience would be such a bore if we were all the same and no one had anything different to show or teach the other.
So if you're one among the backsliding vegans take it easy on yourself.
You just made things that much more interesting.

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