summary of botox
How does it work?
Free consultation
Is it safe?
How much does it cost?
After care
Side effects
- Used for over 20 years in the medical field to reduce squinting eyes and noticed a reduction in lines around certain areas
- It is a protein derived from bacteria
How does it work?
- Relaxes the muscle to stop it working and this softens the line
- 3 areas – forehead, between eyebrows, around eyes are the most common areas. Advanced techniques can be used for lower two thirds of the face
- If you raise your eyebrows, frown or smile and the lines appear or worsen, then Botox will work for you – if not need fillers
- Takes 5 mins to do, no anaesthetic required, go back to normal duties straight after
Free consultation
- No charge to discuss options for each person and cost involved
- Free top if needed after 2 weeks
Is it safe?
- Yes, dose we use is very small
- Only if inject in wrong place can get bruising or false look – hence why must be done only by trained professionals (dentists, doctors, medical nurses)
- Will see difference after 2 weeks, the skin will feel tight normally after a few days
- Last for 3 to 4 months initially, longer if have it more often
How much does it cost?
- Charged per area
- 1 area = £125, 2 areas = £175, 3 areas = £225
After care
- Drink plenty of water – at least 2litres
- No vigorous exercise for 24hrs
- No sunbeds for 2 weeks
- No facials for 24hrs
- Access to my mobile number if have any concerns after treatment
Side effects
- Minimal swelling in areas
- Bruising if inject into vein
- False look – if inject too much
- Raised eyebrows – did not compensate for area injected
- Minimal side effects if undertaken by qualified professional