Best Back Acne Treatment - What You Can Do Right Now to Treat Your Back Acne
There are many different products on the market that claim to be the best back acne treatment.
Many of which I've tried and have found that they don't give the permanent results I was looking for.
The best back acne treatment is one that treats the problem at its root, from the inside out.
The treatment will have to be able to resolve the hormone imbalance in our bodies that causes acne.
And of course, the more natural the treatment is the better.
Here are a couple things that I've tried and have experienced great results: 1.
) Change what we put into our bodies.
I'm sure this one has crossed your mind, but consider for a moment the fact that our youth start getting acne at a younger and younger age almost every generation.
This has a lot to due with all the junk that we've created as a society and try to pass by as food.
So let's try to cut out some of these foods (and drinks) and start putting healthier things into our bodies.
That doesn't mean that you have to completely get rid of your delicious snacks, just make them something you eat as a treat rather than the norm.
Drink lots of water every day.
8 to 10 glasses if possible.
Water cleans out the toxins in our bodies that contribute to acne.
If you're not already, become a lover of honey.
Its great for our skin, gives us loads of energy, and there are no health side effects at all.
So the next time your eating cereal and reach for the sugar, grab the honey instead.
Your body will thank you.
Speaking of energy, if your a coffee drinker, consider substituting your coffee with green tea.
I may have overstepped my bounds by even asking you to consider not drinking your coffee, but here's why.
Green tea is a great anti-oxidant and helps with flushing away the toxins in your body.
Gives you huge amounts of energy without the side effects of coffee, and did I mention its suppose to help with lowering your chances of getting cancer? I'd recommend Lipton Green Tea.
) If you take into account that a lot (if not most) of our acne is caused by a hormonal imbalance that begins around puberty, then if we want to treat back acne, we have to find a way to take care of the imbalance.
Exercising is probably the best back acne treatment you can think of.
Its a great way to get rid of built up hormones within the body and cleaning out the pores.
Now, when I say exercising, I don't just mean go to the gym and lift weights.
I have found that if your working out as a back acne treatment, then running is the best thing.
I've discovered that running stairs works best, but not everyone has access to a high school, or college stadium for running stairs.
If that's the case for you, then running hills would be my second alternative and simply going for a run at your local track or around town being my last.
Simply running is great for you and will do wonders for your acne, but I love my stairs.
So, if you can, hit the stairs, but no matter what, make sure you run.
Many of which I've tried and have found that they don't give the permanent results I was looking for.
The best back acne treatment is one that treats the problem at its root, from the inside out.
The treatment will have to be able to resolve the hormone imbalance in our bodies that causes acne.
And of course, the more natural the treatment is the better.
Here are a couple things that I've tried and have experienced great results: 1.
) Change what we put into our bodies.
I'm sure this one has crossed your mind, but consider for a moment the fact that our youth start getting acne at a younger and younger age almost every generation.
This has a lot to due with all the junk that we've created as a society and try to pass by as food.
So let's try to cut out some of these foods (and drinks) and start putting healthier things into our bodies.
That doesn't mean that you have to completely get rid of your delicious snacks, just make them something you eat as a treat rather than the norm.
Drink lots of water every day.
8 to 10 glasses if possible.
Water cleans out the toxins in our bodies that contribute to acne.
If you're not already, become a lover of honey.
Its great for our skin, gives us loads of energy, and there are no health side effects at all.
So the next time your eating cereal and reach for the sugar, grab the honey instead.
Your body will thank you.
Speaking of energy, if your a coffee drinker, consider substituting your coffee with green tea.
I may have overstepped my bounds by even asking you to consider not drinking your coffee, but here's why.
Green tea is a great anti-oxidant and helps with flushing away the toxins in your body.
Gives you huge amounts of energy without the side effects of coffee, and did I mention its suppose to help with lowering your chances of getting cancer? I'd recommend Lipton Green Tea.
) If you take into account that a lot (if not most) of our acne is caused by a hormonal imbalance that begins around puberty, then if we want to treat back acne, we have to find a way to take care of the imbalance.
Exercising is probably the best back acne treatment you can think of.
Its a great way to get rid of built up hormones within the body and cleaning out the pores.
Now, when I say exercising, I don't just mean go to the gym and lift weights.
I have found that if your working out as a back acne treatment, then running is the best thing.
I've discovered that running stairs works best, but not everyone has access to a high school, or college stadium for running stairs.
If that's the case for you, then running hills would be my second alternative and simply going for a run at your local track or around town being my last.
Simply running is great for you and will do wonders for your acne, but I love my stairs.
So, if you can, hit the stairs, but no matter what, make sure you run.