Quick Diets Are Bad For Your Health and Your Pocket
Many people have been duped by quick-fix advertisements that are shown on TV and the Internet.
The reality is that 95% of fat burning products are not helpful at all.
Most of them are made of ingredients which are not been tested scientifically in terms of its ability to increase metabolism and reduce body fat.
These products are just sold making false and unsubstantiated promises.
Moreover, it is very common to see models, both men and women appear in advertising for these products, making us think that they achieved their physical appearance to such product, making this deception even more effective.
The rest of the 5% of these products, have ingredients that increase metabolism and thermogenesis, which typically contain caffeine and / or green tea extract, which are two compounds that have been proven in its ability to increase fat burning, However, the thermogenic effect you gain by taking such products is relatively small, except that such products are sold at inflated prices that makes you pay much more than they really are worth.
Most of the claims made by the products are just exaggerated to help the sales.
Important Note: Do not purchase any kind of fat loss products with ephedrine as the main ingredient.
Ephedrine was removed from the U.
market because of high health risks caused by the consumption, so do not go for such kind of products, even if they are still legal in your country.
Now, let us assume you find a product, which has tea extract as an active ingredient and are willing to pay the price.
According to scientific studies, green tea extract, consumed in sufficient quantities, has the potential to raise metabolic rate and thermogenesis in an average of 75 calories in a span of 24 hours.
This means that by taking such a product once can burn 75 calories more per day doing nothing.
Now, are these 75 calories worth the high price that this type of product costs? The answer is absolutely NO.
Look out for fine prints and do some of the following simple activities each day - - Reduce your caloric intake by 75 calories - This translates into something as a loaf of bread.
- 15 minutes of walking - Walk your dog for 15 minutes - Iron (30 minutes) - Wash your car (15 minutes) If you can integrate any of these activities into your daily life while on a program of weight loss, you will be burning extra calories without spending anything.
Besides it is much healthier to burn calories by exercising your body than by some external factor.
The reality is that 95% of fat burning products are not helpful at all.
Most of them are made of ingredients which are not been tested scientifically in terms of its ability to increase metabolism and reduce body fat.
These products are just sold making false and unsubstantiated promises.
Moreover, it is very common to see models, both men and women appear in advertising for these products, making us think that they achieved their physical appearance to such product, making this deception even more effective.
The rest of the 5% of these products, have ingredients that increase metabolism and thermogenesis, which typically contain caffeine and / or green tea extract, which are two compounds that have been proven in its ability to increase fat burning, However, the thermogenic effect you gain by taking such products is relatively small, except that such products are sold at inflated prices that makes you pay much more than they really are worth.
Most of the claims made by the products are just exaggerated to help the sales.
Important Note: Do not purchase any kind of fat loss products with ephedrine as the main ingredient.
Ephedrine was removed from the U.
market because of high health risks caused by the consumption, so do not go for such kind of products, even if they are still legal in your country.
Now, let us assume you find a product, which has tea extract as an active ingredient and are willing to pay the price.
According to scientific studies, green tea extract, consumed in sufficient quantities, has the potential to raise metabolic rate and thermogenesis in an average of 75 calories in a span of 24 hours.
This means that by taking such a product once can burn 75 calories more per day doing nothing.
Now, are these 75 calories worth the high price that this type of product costs? The answer is absolutely NO.
Look out for fine prints and do some of the following simple activities each day - - Reduce your caloric intake by 75 calories - This translates into something as a loaf of bread.
- 15 minutes of walking - Walk your dog for 15 minutes - Iron (30 minutes) - Wash your car (15 minutes) If you can integrate any of these activities into your daily life while on a program of weight loss, you will be burning extra calories without spending anything.
Besides it is much healthier to burn calories by exercising your body than by some external factor.