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Causes of Adult Acne and How to Get Rid of It

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When you're an adult suffering from acne, you probably wonder what about your lifestyle you could change to get rid of the pesky red bumps.  After all, you're not in puberty anymore, so why are you still plagued with acne?  Regardless of your age, you can still be prone to acne breakouts, especially if you suffered from acne as a child.  But once you understand the causes of adult acne, you can better understand how to go about conquering the red plague of zits.

Some causes of adult acne are as follows:

1. Stress
2. Caffeine
3. Hormonal activity within your body
4. Irritating clothing, such as wool, hats, acrylic, nylon, etc.
5. Hormone injections, such as the ones found in grocery store milk and meat
6. Excess oil
7. Excess washing or scrubbing
8. Not keeping hands away from face

These are just some of the causes of adult acne that might be plagueing your skin.  But in reality, there could be dozens of reasons.  But regardless of the cause, there is definitely hope for eliminating acne and clearing up your face.  

First of all, start by choosing a cleansing kit.  The one I use for my adult acne is Proactiv; it really does work for both teens and adults.  

Another method to get rid of acne is to boost the amount of water you drink and decrease the amount of caffeine intake.  How many cups of coffee do you drink in the morning?  Chances are, if you're drinking caffeinated coffee, this could be triggering your acne.

Stress is a big factor in adult acne.  However, it's not easy to eliminate stress, even though this is what doctors suggest we do.  

If you're going through a pregnancy or other hormonal changes in your life, it's going to be more difficult to take care of your acne.  If this is the case, it's possible you might want to look into an acne diet.  No matter what the causes of adult acne are for you, an acne diet will usually help you clear up those unwanted pests.

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