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How to Correct Anger Problems

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      In denial

      To get a grip on anger problems a person first needs to recognize that there is a problem. Sometimes anger is obviously out of control, but not acknowledged. It may also be obvious to others, but no one confronts them due to fear of the person's anger being turned on them.

      Know that denial is sometimes part of the problem. People, many times, dismiss it with the excuse that they just have a bad temper. They may even go so far as to say it runs in the family, therefore, it's not their fault.

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      Get physical

      Get out of denial. A bad temper means there are anger problems and they need to be resolved. Blaming this or that isn't going to help anyone or anything. Once you admit there's an anger problem it's fixable, but only if you're willing to do what needs to be done.

      Use physical activity to release aggressive emotions. Go to the gym, play a sport, ride a bike, dance, run, swim; sing, paint or anything that you enjoy that will take the edge off. This is a positive action that will help manage anger if you do it regularly, especially when stressed.

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      Do at least one thing that relaxes you daily. Relaxation will bring peace of mind and if you have anger problems then you need peace. Meditation, music, massage, hobbies, reading and fishing are all great ways to relax.

      Avoid angry environments and angry people. If you have anger problems then other angry people will provoke you to anger, you can bank on it. Hang out with fun loving folks with a good sense of humor that have the ability to make you laugh. You can't be angry and laugh at the same time.

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      On the edge

      Take care of yourself. People, who are hungry, tired and sleepy, hyped up on caffeine, drunk, high and in general leading an unhealthy lifestyle tend to be get angered easily, they're on the edge. Don't live on the edge!

      Talk to someone about the anger problems. This should be someone who can help not another person with anger issues or someone who just says what you want them to say and agrees with everything. Choose a person with training and knowledge on anger management such as a pastor or counselor.


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