Stroke (Brain Attack) Part IV - Hemorrhagic Stroke
As we mentioned in part I, besides cancer and heart disease stroke is the third leading cause of death.
Recent estimates of stroke occurrences in the U.
place the number between 700,000 to 750,000 yearly, approximately 1/4 of all stroke victims die as a direct result of the stroke or its complications.
Stroke is caused by uncontrolled diet that is high in saturated and trans fats as a result of bad cholesterol building up in the blood vessels that block the circulation of blood to the body including the brain.
If oxygen is not delivered to the brain cells, some cells die off and can not reproduce, then you may get a stroke.
In this article, we will discuss Hemorrhagic strokes.
Hemorrhagic stroke accounts for only 20 percent of all people admitted to hospitals for stroke.
It is caused by blocking the circulation of blood in any part of the body as a result of the heart working harder in providing oxygen to the cells.
The increase of blood pressure might cause a blood vessel in the brain to rupture in result of swelling in any part of the brain, causing the cells in the brain to be deprived of oxygen.
There are 2 types of hemorrhagic strokes: 1.
Intracerebral hemorrhage: Intracerebral hemorrhage is internal bleeding that can happen in any part of the brain.
Blood may accumulate in the brain tissues itself, or in the space between the brain and the membranes covering it.
Most commonly the problem arises in the small arterial inside the brain which have been diseased causing these tiny blood vessels to start to leak.
Since the actual source of the bleeding is often small, it can take time for the blood to build up resulting in symptoms of an intracerebral hemorrhage and often increases over minutes or hours.
People may not notice the problems associated with bleeding into the brain and ischemic strokes.
Subarachnoid hemorrhage Hemorrhagic strokes that cause bleeding into the fluid filled spaces located deep in the brain are called subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Subarachnoid hemorrhage may occur at any age but is most common from age 40 to 65.
It is caused by the presence of blood within the subarachnoid space from some pathological processes a result of ruptured aneurysms and bleeding may stop spontaneously.
Other causes include vascular malformation, tumors and infection.
The most effective treatment is to proceed with microsurgical clipping of the lesion.
This stroke causes paralysis of all limbs, unconsciousness and bleeding into the cerebellum produceing typical signs of incoordination with headache and stiffness of the neck.
I hope that this information will help.
If you need more information, please visit my home page at:
Recent estimates of stroke occurrences in the U.
place the number between 700,000 to 750,000 yearly, approximately 1/4 of all stroke victims die as a direct result of the stroke or its complications.
Stroke is caused by uncontrolled diet that is high in saturated and trans fats as a result of bad cholesterol building up in the blood vessels that block the circulation of blood to the body including the brain.
If oxygen is not delivered to the brain cells, some cells die off and can not reproduce, then you may get a stroke.
In this article, we will discuss Hemorrhagic strokes.
Hemorrhagic stroke accounts for only 20 percent of all people admitted to hospitals for stroke.
It is caused by blocking the circulation of blood in any part of the body as a result of the heart working harder in providing oxygen to the cells.
The increase of blood pressure might cause a blood vessel in the brain to rupture in result of swelling in any part of the brain, causing the cells in the brain to be deprived of oxygen.
There are 2 types of hemorrhagic strokes: 1.
Intracerebral hemorrhage: Intracerebral hemorrhage is internal bleeding that can happen in any part of the brain.
Blood may accumulate in the brain tissues itself, or in the space between the brain and the membranes covering it.
Most commonly the problem arises in the small arterial inside the brain which have been diseased causing these tiny blood vessels to start to leak.
Since the actual source of the bleeding is often small, it can take time for the blood to build up resulting in symptoms of an intracerebral hemorrhage and often increases over minutes or hours.
People may not notice the problems associated with bleeding into the brain and ischemic strokes.
Subarachnoid hemorrhage Hemorrhagic strokes that cause bleeding into the fluid filled spaces located deep in the brain are called subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Subarachnoid hemorrhage may occur at any age but is most common from age 40 to 65.
It is caused by the presence of blood within the subarachnoid space from some pathological processes a result of ruptured aneurysms and bleeding may stop spontaneously.
Other causes include vascular malformation, tumors and infection.
The most effective treatment is to proceed with microsurgical clipping of the lesion.
This stroke causes paralysis of all limbs, unconsciousness and bleeding into the cerebellum produceing typical signs of incoordination with headache and stiffness of the neck.
I hope that this information will help.
If you need more information, please visit my home page at: