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Do You Ever Get Panic Attacks While Driving in a Car?

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Most of your friends and family will never understand what a panic attack is or how it makes you feel.
Therefore how in the world can they ever understand what's happening to you if you ever have a panic attack in the car? Panic attacks are not something people talk about regularly, it's the silent mental illness.
I know, I know, mental illnesses is such as strong word for panic attacks.
When people are experiencing a panic attack they don't typically talk to other people during their attack.
Since panic attacks can be manifested from both physical and mental triggers it's only something the specific individual can learn to cope with independently.
When somebody with panic disorder leaves the house (often their sacred safe zone) they immediately feel uncomfortable away from their "safe zone".
So they try to position themselves for quick escapes.
When they go out in public they want to be able to get away fast from their surrounding area when their having a panic attack.
Often this means making sure that they're not in any confined places such as in elevators and cars which are very common places to avoid from somebody with panic disorder.
When somebody who has panic attacks gets in car and starts driving around they can start to become claustrophobic or stressed out, and actually start fearing that they may have a panic attack in the car.
They can get an intense feeling that they can't get away.
These onslaught of thoughts is a stepping stone towards a full-blown panic attack.

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