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Why Is a Healthy Breakfast Such An Important Meal?

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I'm sure you've been informed by people saying that breakfast is the most important and fulfilling meal of the day. However, that doesn't deter millions of Americans, and people around the world, from not having breakfast or choosing only a drink of coffee. It's proven that breakfast really is the most essential meal of the day, and you will be much healthier and more alert though out the day if you include breakfast in your daily life.

Breakfast is correctly named break fast. When asleep, you are not consuming food for at least 6 to 9 hours and more, if you skipped dinner the night before. Therefore, breakfast is the first time you'll be consuming any food for a sometime. Some nutrients, like proteins, cannot be stored and therefore not present in the body. So the body requires you to replenish the "low" levels of these nutrients. Breakfast is an essential source of energy for your body in the morning.

A healthy breakfast in the morning also helps protect you from some illnesses and disease. For instants, your sugar levels may not be at where they need to be from not eating for many hours, so eating breakfast balances out the level of sugars in your body, helping to protect you from diabetes. A healthy breakfast also helps to supply food to your stomach, preventing you from overeating at lunch as a result of you being so hungry. Overeating is the leading factor of obesity, resulting in many health problems, such as heart disease etc.

Healthy breakfast foods, consisting of a variety of fruits, whole grain cereals are a great source of many of the vitamins and minerals a person requires each day. Not eating the necessary vitamins and minerals in the morning, it will be difficult to make up for that loss later in the day. Caution, not having the necessary amounts of nutrients each day will result in a poorly functioning body, making your body more prone to variety to health problems. When you choose to eat a healthy breakfast each and every day, it will make it easier for you choose healthier foods with the proper nutrients needed during the balance of the day, in turn giving you more energy.

Allow a minimum of 15 minutes each morning to eat your breakfast, making a noticeable improvement in your diet. Your breakfast should include foods from a minimum of three different food groups. This includes whole grain toast (bread group) with eggs, peanut butter (protein group) and a banana, blueberries, strawberries (fruit group), along with a glass of milk, being a fourth food group. A breakfast of heavy pancakes and sausage meal every day is not a healthy diet, and if it impossible to take needed time to eat a healthy breakfast, by all means, a single piece of fruit or a muffin is better than missing the meal completely. Remember, a good breakfast is essential to your health.

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