Skin Care for Men
Currently is the Michael Todd pumpkin I nutrient-rich facial mask and the reason for that is it be because I has like college acidic its I have seen really great result easing specially I'm with my breakouts and such this has helped a lot glycolic acidic a really great way to get rid dead skin cells it I'm cause your skin and improves elasticity overt I notice that my skin feels really awesome after Iran's of this mask and so to have little bit of difficulty rinsing off some parts other pumpkin it here to my face to use this little are rather do dad back I purchased atWalmart and yeah dies to really gentle circular motions and gets them mask off with a little bit have lukewarm water I E C you see Michael tired it's your gas tank organic lemon toner and I have been using it lately because it's really almost I've kind been saving at I hope know and in lazy town this summer actually contains which he's up and if you are on a budget you can denote he is just witch hazel to act on your face it's really great for whale control and things like that find this one is nice though because has a which he saw 11 eighty hand what's really awesome reads so it's really up to you I'm not saying ohm god you need to buy this but it is a really nice part to have and the other thing I really like for when my skin is extremely bureau I have a TI y toner with apple cider vinegar I will link that video and I'll stationer in the Description box if you want to come up you probably can't click plantation so there you have it last but not least let's get into my show is because moisturizer is important on away that I'm going to be outside I like to use this cream from Hong Kong this is the theory and Angie Mart In cleft anti-wrinkle cream with SPF 15 if you are young you don't need this but I'm 25 I'm so yeah but I'm five years the thirty girl so I've been using a and I've actually been sharing it with my mom cut we've recently got back into have using its and it's quite expensive but it feels really nice it does have that kind of running a fact because it's our choice transiting and very little bit goes a long way which is what I like about this product here this is the Vichy Norman term hi JD acne care with South Philly acid I used to the samples while my boyfriend's house or in Mexico and I liked it so much I went out to purchase the full size product because.
I fell like helps control our I'm my breakouts dozens eradicate them completely eliminate them or anything like that but it definitely helps sort of control your skin cap pair you for future breakouts kind of now prevent them I was using the lower spicy to offer Claire I'm butts I decided to switch over since I really like the samples very much in the she's my midterm lie and they also have a spot she demands it minimizes marks that's the claim and this is she use on active break outs you would just basically dab a little bit on this little guy right here yeah so I've been trying this out and are I'll let you know I think about its it says a lot I buy the full size it doesn't say much I'd all I feel it's worth mentioning that's I'm you guys know that I really love the whispering willow tea tree with sheaf butter I haven't forgotten mass I've just been giving a break because it's almost done the Avon alum and sis can revitalize 2in 1 Britney I roller this one actually vibrates it's kind of strange 5339 GI's it's got a little metal roller ball so it feels very cool underneath your eyes which is pretty refreshing before going to better even if you're going to wake up and put some high cream on I haven't seen a dramatic difference have any sort but I do notice that I don't use an eye cream my Miami I'm I area kind.
Of feels to hydrated and to be quite frank with you I contuse my regular skin care regimen on the skin around my eyes cut has South Philly asset or other agencies fight acne I don't get Acme on my eyelids very often and on all but you and arm it's a very sensitive areas I believe needs to be treated differently because the skin is very telecasts so those are all the products that I jungle in my skin care routine I hope that you guys found this video helpful if you have any questions feel free to ask me and the comments below be sure to thumbs up it be really awesome if you can share this video if you think it would help anyone that you know I Face book Twitter I family and friends if you like I'd really appreciate it and I thank you guys so much for watching on see you guys next time I N E phi I the sees me again even a form they have a Mets fan and are I want to answer a specific question I really feel bad this is a 41-year and black woman who told me in he-man beast years in this price range her story just for she said she's 41years %uh age she's disgusting chain here she hate speech in here she said she went somewhere for laser hair removal the for treatment a discordant skin as well she tried to use lightning treatments tonight this keen a up which probably was the score or because before she did Lisa I assume she peeked in this go Disking as well as I don't know what laser she used but she said that she did for treatment and lays they hear he's or back he didn't work her skin is the score she hates herself and she said police have me and helped break woman in America tell us what to do and have so here's my use my answer for support the good answer East that there is help a there is an app for breaks keen and here they release their am I specialize in the dark complectedminutes\ came for many years these my specialty thirty-five years and then I study tithe razor I investigating the road and I'm wasted money in the later called cool guy to or the black woman out and black men out there the only major the Viking categorically vouch for he's cool
I fell like helps control our I'm my breakouts dozens eradicate them completely eliminate them or anything like that but it definitely helps sort of control your skin cap pair you for future breakouts kind of now prevent them I was using the lower spicy to offer Claire I'm butts I decided to switch over since I really like the samples very much in the she's my midterm lie and they also have a spot she demands it minimizes marks that's the claim and this is she use on active break outs you would just basically dab a little bit on this little guy right here yeah so I've been trying this out and are I'll let you know I think about its it says a lot I buy the full size it doesn't say much I'd all I feel it's worth mentioning that's I'm you guys know that I really love the whispering willow tea tree with sheaf butter I haven't forgotten mass I've just been giving a break because it's almost done the Avon alum and sis can revitalize 2in 1 Britney I roller this one actually vibrates it's kind of strange 5339 GI's it's got a little metal roller ball so it feels very cool underneath your eyes which is pretty refreshing before going to better even if you're going to wake up and put some high cream on I haven't seen a dramatic difference have any sort but I do notice that I don't use an eye cream my Miami I'm I area kind.
Of feels to hydrated and to be quite frank with you I contuse my regular skin care regimen on the skin around my eyes cut has South Philly asset or other agencies fight acne I don't get Acme on my eyelids very often and on all but you and arm it's a very sensitive areas I believe needs to be treated differently because the skin is very telecasts so those are all the products that I jungle in my skin care routine I hope that you guys found this video helpful if you have any questions feel free to ask me and the comments below be sure to thumbs up it be really awesome if you can share this video if you think it would help anyone that you know I Face book Twitter I family and friends if you like I'd really appreciate it and I thank you guys so much for watching on see you guys next time I N E phi I the sees me again even a form they have a Mets fan and are I want to answer a specific question I really feel bad this is a 41-year and black woman who told me in he-man beast years in this price range her story just for she said she's 41years %uh age she's disgusting chain here she hate speech in here she said she went somewhere for laser hair removal the for treatment a discordant skin as well she tried to use lightning treatments tonight this keen a up which probably was the score or because before she did Lisa I assume she peeked in this go Disking as well as I don't know what laser she used but she said that she did for treatment and lays they hear he's or back he didn't work her skin is the score she hates herself and she said police have me and helped break woman in America tell us what to do and have so here's my use my answer for support the good answer East that there is help a there is an app for breaks keen and here they release their am I specialize in the dark complectedminutes\ came for many years these my specialty thirty-five years and then I study tithe razor I investigating the road and I'm wasted money in the later called cool guy to or the black woman out and black men out there the only major the Viking categorically vouch for he's cool