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Package Ingredients Aren"t What They Appear To Be Anymore

103 27
In an ideal world we could trust that people and corporations would be forthcoming and honest about what they are selling us.
However, in the world in which we live such is not the case, specifically, when it comes to diet and nutrition.
Everywhere you look deception is lurking about and things are never as they appear to be.
Just the other day as I was out shopping for some healthy lunch snacks for my 6-year-old daughter, after scanning the entire snack section, I didn't find a single item that I would deem fit or nutritionally sound enough to feed my child.
Now, it's not that I was surprised at this since it seems that these days this has become a common practice in grocery stores.
However, the word frustrated still somehow comes to mind.
Trying to interpret nutritional labels has become a mind game, and in some instances a mission impossible.
Nothing is ever as it seems anymore with regards to nutritional labels as food corporations have gone to extreme lengths to disguise ingredients to win our patronage.
Its almost like we're in a dream state where things seem familiar, yet are somehow different so we can't exactly identify them.
When I was growing up food was just food.
However, today food is everything but food since most of it is created in a lab.
Food is now merely an imitation of food.
Tastes and smells are now manufactured and in some instances even the ideas and feelings associated with certain foods are the result of subliminal brain-washing.
Take high fructose corn syrup, for instance.
Now the lady in the high fructose corn syrup commercial says, in a very warmhearted tone, that sugar is just sugar.
Meanwhile, when you look for it on an ingredients list it has more aliases than James Bond.
Seriously, there are at least 75 of them.
To name of few, it's been listed as brown sugar, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, glucose, galactose, malt, lactose, maltodextrin, molasses, rice syrup, sucrose, panocha, invert sugar and dozens more names.
Even more disturbing, is that food producers claim that sugar, specifically high fructose corn syrup, is harmless.
Well, if that's the case why not be honest about what it is when labeling food packages? Why all the word games? As consumers that purchase from these companies and maintain their existence, we have a right to be told what we're spending our money on and what we're feeding ourselves.
Don't we?

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