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Information on Family Mental Health Care Work

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    Marriage and Family Therapy

    • The pursuit of a career in family mental health care can be found after completing education in a graduate level program in marriage and family therapy (in lieu of a state license in most states). A marriage and family therapist can directly care for a family's mental health through counseling, group therapy and the administration of psychological tests. One can obtain either a masters or doctorate level degree in marriage and family therapy. An application to a program of marriage and family therapy should include experience relevant to marriage and family therapy work, research or education.

    Clinical Social Work

    • A clinical social worker can directly assist the mental health care of a family through crisis intervention, rehabilitation for social functioning, group therapy and instruction for life skills. A career as a clinical social worker generally begins with a masters in social work and a state license as a social worker. The process of applying to a masters program in social work is quite similar to a masters program in family therapy. However, greater emphasis is placed on experience in crisis intervention, drug and alcohol rehabilitation and other social work roles.

    PhD Programs

    • Doctor of philosophy in psychology programs (PhD) are for individuals who do not mind a longer duration of education in exchange for extensive training for work in family therapy, clinical work, counseling or the administration of psychological tests. The program also allows one to nurture the mental health of families indirectly through instructing new social workers or therapists and research advancement. Compared with its cousin, the doctor of psychology (PsyD), the PhD program places greater emphasis on the research of psychological theories than the practice of those theories.

    PsyD Programs

    • The doctor of psychology programs prepare individuals for work as group therapists, counselors or other psychological practice in conjunction with the practice of psychological theories. As opposed to PhD programs that train individuals much more in the research of psychological mechanisms and theories, PsyD programs place much more emphasis on clinical experience.


    • One who desires to apply for graduate degrees must take considerations before beginning applications. It is important to consider obtaining clinical experience and research experience to report in the application. Because it is a graduate school program, the prospective student must take the GRE exam. In most programs, a statement of purpose for study in the graduate program is required. It is also recommended that one actually visit the campus and inquire about a tour, handouts or pertinent information concerning the specific program. Another tactic can be to ask any current students at the campus or in the program of interest about the conditions of the school culture.


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