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Health Benefits Of Sea Vegetables

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For decades nutritionists have touted the health benefits of sea vegetables with good reason, as the benefits of more than a few of these plants have proven to be absolutely profound.
Low in calories and abundant in vitamins and minerals not to be found in land derived foods, sea vegetables stand in a class all their own.
For centuries, sea vegetables have been a part of the human diet, particularly for those living in coastal regions.
Given that the marine waters where sea vegetables grow is remarkably similar to the constitution of human blood, the health benefits go without saying.
In China, sea vegetables as a food and health source have been traced and recorded as far back as 800BC.
Modern cultures with easy access consume seaweed fresh, dried or use it as a seasoning, side dish, or condiment.
A recent study conducted by the University of California revealed that the addition of sea vegetables to the diet may help reduce the risk of breast cancer.
Sea vegetables have the potential to boostimmune system function and have been proven to do so in multiple laboratorystudies conducted across the globe.
Sea vegetables have been credited with increasing energy, improving general well being andaccelerating wound healing while maximizing the body's metabolism and anti-aging defenses.
Sea vegetables are noted for their anti-inflammatory effects and may help in the treatment of certain skin conditions.
In addition to some all important minerals such as iron and iodine, sea vegetables are rich in trace elements which can have a profound effect on human health and well being.
Zinc, boron, tin, selenium, chromium, antimony and bismuth, are just a few of the essential trace minerals so badly missing in our modern diets but readily available from the sea.
In addition, sea vegetables contain an unusual amount of full spectrum vitamins, including E, A, C and B12.
Also, we are happy to find that sea vegetables are rich in certain enzymes and almost the full range of essential amino acids.
Sea vegetables grow in predominantly rocky areas or on coral reefs.
Sea vegetable growth can be found up to the highest reach of the tide on cliffs or up estuaries.
Sea vegetables can grow 4 feet below the water or as deep as 200 feet.
Existing as very simple organisms with a powerful punch, sea vegetables form the basis for a world wide business that brings in over six billion dollars annually.
Given the potent powers of this simple yet complex marine life, it is easy to understand why.

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