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Seasonal Affective Disorder - What is It?

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Seasonal affective disorder is also termed as winter depression.
This mood disorder is called as such because it usually occurs during the winter season, although it also occurs during winter change.
In general, people who have a seasonal affective disorder are normal throughout the year except during change of seasons.
Usually, when there are seasonal changes, patients with seasonal affective disorder would feel depressed or they lack motivation.
Seasonal affective disorder recurs every year along with its symptoms.
Persons who are suffering from seasonal affective disorder may feel restless and oftentimes, they are unable to do their day to day activities.
Depression is also apparent as well as lethargy.
There are also instances wherein there is an elevation of mood as well as feelings of aggression.
These symptoms happen each year at a specific period of time.
There are some cases wherein people with this kind of condition experience feelings of hopelessness, loneliness, and anxiety.
There are also times wherein these individuals are socially withdrawn as they refuse to socialize with other people.
Individuals with this disorder are also prone to become overweight because they tend to overeat in order to relieve depression.
The exact mechanism as to why this mood disorder happens is unknown although experts have linked this to light exposure.
Aside from that, experts have also observed that people with this condition have an erratic circadian rhythm or biological clock.
Erratic sleep-wake cycle among patients with this disorder is related to oversleeping and manifestations of depression.
If in case you are diagnosed with this mood disorder, there are many treatment options.
Because this disorder is associated with light exposure, one of the treatments is light therapy wherein the patient will be exposed to intensive light for a few minutes.
Hormone replacement is also another treatment option as the condition is also associated with hormones that are responsible for sleep and mood.
Significant others of patients with this disorder should readily provide emotional support.
Engaging in an active lifestyle can also help in relieving depression and improvement of mood.

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