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Treating Hyperhidrosis Naturally is Best

103 38
Treating hyperhidrosis using some of the techniques used today can seem scary, and even downright crazy.
Take for instance the use of ointopheresis - or in other words, electric shock therapy.
Yep, I said it.
You heard me right.
Does it work? Well, if you have a light to moderate case, yes, it does, but only temporarily so and after quite a few outlandishly expensive sessions.
Want to know what's involved? Basically, the problem areas of the body are immersed in water and then an electrical charge is introduced into the liquid medium.
The charge slowly increases in intensity as the patient feels the tingle of the charge become more and more intense.
Want to try it? Myeah, me neither.
Now, Botox is also something used in treating hyperhidrosis.
We all know what that is, right? The lethal bacterial poison in botulism which kills about 90% of those who contract it, remember? Want some? Yeah, I'd rather stink from sweat, thanks.
Of course, we could always take brain/body chemistry altering chemical drugs, such as anticholinergics - those that inhibit the release of certain neurotransmitters which cause sweat glands to work overtime.
The side effects include urinary retention, heart palpitations, blurred vision and much more.
Now, isn't all of this just a little like extracting a tooth with a wrecking ball crane? The fact is that there are natural remedies for treating and curing even the worst cases of hyperhidrosis.
You may even have the ingredients right in your own home right now.
Basically, my whole point is simply that treating hyperhidrosis naturally is best.
Considering the other choices, don't you agree?

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