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Chronic Illness Is Epidemic - Don"t Wait To Naturally Protect and Reverse Illness

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The single most dangerous threat to life in the United States is not terrorism, oil shortages or political events.
Today chronic illness is an epidemic in the United States.
Illness is increasing on every front.
For the first time since Richard Nixon declared war on Cancer in 1975, cancer this year will be the leading killer.
One in every 2.
3 adults will contact a form of invasive cancer most will die.
Today cancer is the number one cause of death in children three to fourteen years of age.
Nearly 1/2 of all Americans now live with a serious health condition.
Another 60 million Americans live with multiple chronic health conditions.
Examples of a few chronic conditions vary from cancer, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, glaucoma, and heart disease.
Tragically most people are unaware of the threat, this imposes.
You must protect your health, it is imperative, even life threatening.
  The US spends more money on healthcare than any nation in the world, yet it ranks one of the sickest of the developed nations in the world.
More people are on prescription medication than ever before.
The threat is so close to home.
Life goes on but somewhere in the back of the mind there is concern.
Very little effort to educate the public about environmental concerns, nutrition and natural alternative prevention exists.
The EPA rates environmental toxins 70 times higher inside the home than outside the home.
The possibility of developing cancer is 3 times higher in your own home than in the outside environment.
What is hard to understand is remarkably little is said given the seriousness of these statistics.
When something is said, so shocking are the statistics that it is hard to believe there true.
Free radicals found in the polluted environment are connected to over 70 chronic health conditions.
These chemicals are present in the food, water and air.
Free radicals attack cells and can destroy entire strands of DNA.
Very little research exists on why we get sick.
Most research is conducted on developing a drug to address the symptoms once we are sick.
Very little research or education is available on prevention of disease.
The single most fundamental factor that affects health and future well-being is knowledge.
Nearly everyone is ignorant of the threat we live in and around each and every day.
There are dominant players and large corporate profits at stake in the western industrialized world.
For example, pharmaceutical companies learned long ago that it was more profitable to treat symptoms with drugs than in patient education and prevention.
There is nothing more valuable than your health.
It is by far the most valuable asset.
There is no other responsibility more important than protecting your health, and your family's health.
With the right scientific and clinically proven blend of nutrients you can do just that.
It may be hard to believe that nutrition can be that powerful.
That the right nutrients scientifically blended together can do more for your body than a drug in many cases.
Our body's healing systems work.
They know how to heal.
It is amazing to watch a cut close up and many times leave no scar.
Giving you body a scientific blend of all the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants at optimal levels can initiate the body's internal healing systems.

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