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Do Your Breasts Need More Than a Lift

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There are many factors that can contribute to sagging breasts.
It can happen naturally due to gravity and aging, it can be a result of pregnancy and breastfeeding, or it can also happen due to significant weight loss.
Whatever the cause, breast lift surgery is commonly used as a safe and effective solution.
A breast lift procedure is relatively simple and works by repositioning the nipple to the center of the breast while lifting and rebuilding the remaining breast tissue into its new shape.
The results can make the breasts look dramatically better, but a lift alone cannot make the breasts look as they did before the tissue loss and sagging took place.
"Pregnancy and weight loss have two very important factors in common when it comes to the breasts.
They both lead to breast tissue loss and the sagging of stretched skin," explains Dr.
Miguel Delgado, a renowned, San Francisco-based plastic surgeon.
"A breast lift can address the sagging skin, but the only way to address the tissue loss is to augment the breast size using implants.
" Combining breast lift surgery with breast augmentation surgery is very common.
This is because most patients who elect to have surgery are uncomfortable with the way their breasts look now and want them to look as good or better than they did previously.
Choosing to have these surgeries done simultaneously also eliminates the extra cost of two separate procedures and the inconvenience associated with two recovery periods.
"Most of my patients who undergo breast lifts and have implants put in are ecstatic with the results," says Delgado.
"Many times their breasts look better than they did in their youth and the patients gain a newfound self-confidence that a breast lift alone would not have produced.

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