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Why Do We Overeat?

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A certain percentage of people can easily gain weight based on studies and observation.
An average person needs about 2,000 calories a day.
But when we eat too much, we have more than 2,000 calories a day, we will gain the weight.
SOLUTION: Increase calorie burning.
Reduce the consumption of calories.
Villi that are damaged can cause unhealthy eating habit and we tend to eat too often The absorption of nutrients in the body took place in the small intestine through the villi...
Villi are small finger-like hair cells, which absorb the food which are then distributed into the body...
Helping to build the body's immune system are the healthy villi...
needed to fight the disease, be healthy and live longer...
Best nutrients that feed the cells are less likely to allow bad toxins / bacteria to be absorbed by the body.
If our body have an unhealthy villi, the body can not absorb food well anddoes not absorb nutrients, which makes us hungry and makes us eat too much.
Things that damage the villi were: inadequate food intake, preservatives, additives, food dyes, drugs, fat, alcohol, drugs, salt, toxins in the air, exhaust fume / pollution, age, cigarette and stress.
Common Sign / symptoms of indigestion: -obesity, Powerful cravings, protruding belly, gas and bloating, recurrent headaches, chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), frequent fatigue and low energy, Flatulence, food allergies, poor digestion, irritability, mood swings, bad breath and smelly stools, parasites in the stool, frequent colds, skin problems, rash, metallic taste in mouth Hemorrhoids, infection (Candida) If you experience one or more of the symptoms/signs, it is necessary to detoxify and CLEANSE HOW? By taking fiber - 5 to 7 servings of fruits and vegetables from 12 to 15 + glasses of water a day Water-soluble fiber: -Delays the time that takes for food to pass through the digestive tract -Gives a feeling of fullness -The absorption of glucose (sugar) blood is slower -Helps lower blood cholesterol levels Sources: (1) Fruits: apples, citrus, pears and oranges.
(2) Oats (3) Vegetables - carrots, potatoes, barley, beans Water-Insoluble fiber: -Important to maintain regular bowel movements -Double the time of food transfer through the gut -Traps Water -Helps digestion to prevent constipation Sources: (1) Vegetables (2) wheat bran (3) corn bran (4) rice bran (5) Whole grains Fiber and Weight Management: -Helps slow the digestion of carbohydrates so that the rise and fall of blood sugar is not abrupt -Fruits, vegetables and whole grains have fewer calories "per bite" than other food which has more fat and sugar in them.
-Provides feeling of fullness -Stop eating frequently naturally -14 grams of fiber a day can reduce the daily calories by 10 percent.
-Up to.
5 kg weight loss up to a month without changing anything.
Daily Recommended Dietary Allowance: 30 to 35 grams of fiber 5 to 7 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
This encourages feeling of fullness, and to promote the health of the digestive tract.
It also helps to reduce the risk of constipation, digestive problems, arthritis, menstrual pain, and even colon cancer.
Clean the body now! - Watch your weight now! Decides to change your life.
Once done it, you will see results.
- Detoxify and Cleanse your body

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