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Best Medications For ADHD - How to Choose One That Will Not Destroy Your Child"s Childhood

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Imagine finding medications for ADHD that kept children calm, obedient and who did not fight with their siblings? Imagine a drug that had just a few side effects and would not deprive a child of his appetite or sleep? These would surely be the best medications for ADHD.
Dream on! The stark reality The reality of the so called best medications for ADHD is rather frightening.
First, we must acknowledge that up to75% of children treated with psychostimulants can actually benefit and there will be a reduction in some of the ADHD symptoms of restlessness, hyperactivity, lack of attention and distractability.
Children may even be able to do their homework on their own, as they can stay focused for longer.
The bad news But the good news ends there as there is a very large percentage of children, probably about as many as 35%, who just cannot stand the side effects of these medications for ADHD.
Their childhood remains in ruins while ADHD is like a shackle that they can never take off.
Apart from the awful side effects which this large majority of children has to put up with, there is also the question of the wisdom of using mind altering drugs on children.
We are talking here of amphetamines and a Class II drug.
We know what that means and although there is no firm evidence that they will lead to addiction, the FDA is taking no chances and has issued a warning to say that there MAY be a possibility of drug addiction.
CDC concerned The CDC, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is also very worried.
Why? Simply because they state on their website that there is a distinct lack of information as to long term effects of these drugs on children.
Like many thousands of parents, I really think there are too many question marks hanging over these so called best medications for ADHD.
I just cannot see that the benefits outweigh the risks.
Yet I know that ADHD homeopathic remedies for ADHD are free from side effects and there are no health risks as regards heart attacks, drug addiction or lack of appetite.
Isn't it time you were informed about these and refused to accept the so called best medications for ADHD that the drug companies are making in extraordinary quantities? There is an easier safer way.
Why not find out more by clicking through to my website?

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